Respawn has started teasing the next development for Apex Legends, which is likely a map update for Storm Point. It is the only of Apex Legends’ battle royale maps to remain untouched, which means it’s due to get absolutely wrecked by Respawn.
The teaser is small–it’s a gif of a computer screen, which warns that a “deep sea seismic event” has been detected. A 3D model of the seafloor shows several tectonic plates causing a dramatic wave-like pattern. The implication seems to be that an earthquake may cause a tsunami large enough to partially (or completely) flood Storm Point.
In the accompanying text, Respawn writes, “It’s probably just an equipment malfunction.” Sure, Respawn. Sure.
We can’t see much beyond the computer screen but the room looks similar to some of the outposts found on Storm Point, one of Apex Legends’ two battle royale maps located in the middle of a massive ocean (the other is Kings Canyon–World’s Edge is surrounded by mountains and Olympus is located in the sky).
Map changes traditionally occur at the start of new seasons, so Respawn is likely teasing what’s coming in Season 13. Granted, it could be a teaser for a new legend-specific town takeover, seeing as Apex Legends Season 12’s roadmap reveals that one more event is scheduled, and new town takeovers can debut during events.
Storm Point is the only battle royale map to have not gotten a town takeover or map change, so it’s likely the next one to be updated regardless of what this tweet is teasing. That said, in a giant Apex Legends leak, we saw early concepts for what looks like a flooded Storm Point, so it seems pretty likely.
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To further support that leak, dataminers Shrugtal and SomeoneWhoLeaks have discovered in-game assets that hint at map changes coming to Storm Point in Season 13. The former found evidence of a new point of interest that allows you to spawn and control IMC Spectres, which implies Season 13’s new playable character may have a connection to the group–further supporting my theory that Newcastle is Bangalore’s brother, ex-IMC soldier Jackson Williams. The latter discovered files for leviathan bones, which may hint that the remains of the giant beasts will wash onto Storm Point.