Apex Legends Season 14: Hunted Battle Pass Trailer Reveals Survival Theme

Apex Legends developer Respawn Entertainment recently released a trailer depicting some of the contents of the new season’s battle pass, revealing a “survival gear” theme. The Season 14 battle pass contains many cosmetic items that are hunting-themed (or otherwise styled to give them an outdoors-y twist).

Given the fact that Vantage’s episode of Stories from the Outlands is titled “Survive,” the survival gear theme isn’t a huge surprise. But this marks one of the first-ever battle passes to make it to trailer day without having every skin leaked ahead of time. Part of this is due to the fact that a prolific dataminer–one who accurately leaked the entire contents of both the Season 12 and Season 13 battle passes–appears to have lost access to these leaks due to EA patching the Origin exploit that was allowing the leaker to access early builds of the game. With the relative lack of leaks in mind, it’s easy to see why players are excited for their first glimpse of the Hunted battle pass.

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Now Playing: Apex Legends: Hunted Battle Pass Trailer

The trailer itself depicts many of the cosmetics that will appear in the upcoming season, though not all of them are named. The skins depicted in the battle pass trailer include:

Veteran Voyager Wraith character skinLucky Draw Wingman weapon skinField Research Caustic character skinFortune Hunter Reactive Triple Take weapon skin*

(*As is customary with all previous battle passes, there will most likely be two reactive Triple Take skins, not just the Fortune Hunter skin–the second reactive skin is unlocked only after completing 10 additional bonus levels to reach level 110 on the battle pass.)

Although rumors about raising the game’s level cap have been circulating for months (and have recently been confirmed of Apex’s official website), little has been said about a small new feature that will have a huge impact on the game’s quality of life: the ability to choose between Arenas and battle royale challenges.

As seen in the trailer, this sort of dilemma is now a thing of the past–starting with Season 15, players will be able to quite literally choose their battles. Instead of being forced to either play whatever random daily challenges players get stuck (with or waste Legend Tokens re-rolling said challenges in the hopes of getting a better one), players can now simply choose between Arenas- or standard battle royale-exclusive daily challenges.

Near the end of the trailer, viewers are also briefly treated to footage of Vantage and her bat, Echo, finishing off Ash–likely using one of Vantage’s official in-game finishers. Similar to Artur and Pathfinder, it seems like Echo may not be Ash’s biggest fan, though it’s likely Echo will attack any legend in this manner when the finisher is used, not just Ash.

As exciting as these new developments are, nothing is set in stone until patch notes go live and Season 14: Hunted officially launches on August 9. Stay tuned for more Season 14 coverage, and be sure to take a peek at our guide to Season 14’s new features and its newest character.

Apex Legends is free to play on console and PC. A mobile version of the game, Apex Legends Mobile, is available for download on Android and iOS devices.

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About Claire Lewis

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