With the official launch of Apex Legends Season 15: Eclipse just over a week away, excitement has begun building among curious players who are eager to see the newest legend–and her abilities–on display. Today, they got that chance, when Apex developer Respawn Entertainment released the Eclipse gameplay trailer.
The trailer gives players a peek at what kind of gameplay they can expect this season, while also showing off Season 15’s debut legend, Catalyst. Despite Respawn’s recent statements indicating that anti-scan legends were unlikely to be added in the near future, Catalysts’s abilities do just that, blinding Seer’s ability to scan enemies who are protected behind the wall and interrupting other legend attacks with her weaponized ferrofluid.
But her massive wall of Seer-proof ferrofluid isn’t Catalyst’s only skill–in fact, between the Eclipse launch trailer and today’s gameplay trailer, we’ve seen Catalyst use her ferrofluid to stick enemies to the ground, block her and her squad from view with a massive wall of the inky substance, and now, use it for a very interesting new purpose: “gluing” doors shut.
If the gameplay trailer is to be believed, Catalyst can launch a handful of ferrofluid at doors, slightly reinforcing them and giving her squad those precious extra seconds needed to regroup, reload, or retreat. The trailer itself depicts Catalyst sealing her team into a building while Caustic and Wraith struggle to break the doors from the other side. The ability to lock doors–even just for a few seconds–could be just as useful as her massive wall of ferrofluid.
But Catalyst wasn’t the only object of focus in this trailer–the video also gave players a tour of the new Broken Moon map. The new map is set on Cleo, a moon orbiting the planet Boreus, which both Catalyst and Seer call come. For players who completed the Golden Ticket teaser, this wasn’t their first look at the new map–but it did show off some new POIs. Even before the trailer started, the countdown timer screen toggled back and forth between various stunning vistas–locations that players will soon be exploring for themselves.
The gameplay trailer also showed off the Eclipse battle pass. Featuring skins for Loba, Seer, Ash, and Revenant, among others, the trailer describes the new battle pass as “cybernetic.” Of course, far more content will appear in the 110-level Eclipse battle pass than the trailer could show, but players will get more information on the battle pass when the battle pass trailer goes live in the near future.
The trailer also directed players to a blog post detailing the finer points of the new Broken Moon map, so any players hoping to get ahead of the competition may want to give it a read and start scoping out potential sniper’s nests and chokepoints. Otherwise, just focus on finishing up your Hunted battle pass before time runs out. Apex Legends Season 15: Eclipse goes live on Tuesday, November 1 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET.
Apex Legends is free to play on console and PC. A mobile version of the game, Apex Legends Mobile, is available for download on Android and iOS devices.
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