Apex Legends Season 17 Patch Notes Make Drastic Changes To Legend Classes

Apex Legends Season 17: Arsenal launched today, and Respawn has released the patch notes so you can see exactly what has been added and changed this time. This includes in-depth details on gameplay updates and other adjustments to the meta, like the remodeled ping wheel and Season 17’s gold weapon rotation. Below is a breakdown of all the new gameplay content included in Season 17.

Much of the content included in Respawn’s patch notes blog post includes previously announced details about the upcoming season, like the new Weapon Mastery system, a revamped Firing Range, and new Ranked Mode changes–which include the implementation of some serious new anti-smurf efforts. You can learn more in-depth details about these new features by checking out everything we know about Apex Legends Season 17.

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New ping wheel options

As for new information, one new feature included in the patch notes post was about the game’s ping wheel, a tool players use to communicate and cooperate without using voice or text chat. Currently, the ping wheel has the following dialogue options:

“We should go here (together)””Enemy spotted there””Looting here””Attacking here””I’m going here (alone)””Defending this spot””Watching this spot””Enemy was here”

Once arsenal goes live, the following new pings will be added to the wheel:

“Avoid this area””Enemy heard here””We should regroup here”

Players will also see “an expanded set” of ping options when they are downed or waiting in the dropship for the initial drop into a Battle Royale match.

But even more changes have been added to the ping system this season–for instance, its behavior when pinging locations directly on the in-game map screen has been changed. Now, in-game objects with map icons (Respawn Beacons, Replicators, PvE wildlife areas, etc.) can now be pinged from the map screen, creating accurate waypoints with character dialogue callouts. Additionally, when pinging generic waypoints on the map, waypoints will have more accurate placement in the map’s 3D landscape.


When it comes to weaponry, the RE-45 will return to the floor loot pool, with the L-STAR taking its place in the Care Package. As for the Replicators scattered across Apex’s maps, the Sentinel and Alternator will enter the Replicator and the EVA-8 and 30-30 Repeater are slated to replace them. As for Gold/Legendary-tier weapons, Season 17’s rotation consists of the following weapons:

FlatlineMastiffSpitfireTriple TakeVolt

Other changes of note include:

The L-STAR, as a Care Package weapon, is losing its barrel mod and gaining the Disruptor Rounds hop-up.The 30-30 Repeater’s projectile size has been increased.The R-99 now hold one less bullet, regardless of which magazine is equipped.


As for the legends themselves, some interesting changes have been made. For instance, Mirage is no longer a Skirmisher-class legend. He has now been reassigned to the Support class and will gain access to Support-exclusive abilities when Season 17 goes live. When aiming her tactical Arc Snare ability, Ash is slowed to armed-sprinting speed–a decent improvement to her previous armed-walking speed.

Class abilities, too, have been changed. Weapon Supply Bins available to Assault-class legends are less likely to skip a rarity tier (like presenting the player with Legendary-tier loot when they’ve currently got Rare-tier loot), and optics within Weapon Supply Bins now take into account the needs of the Assault-class player’s squadmates, not just the player. Lastly, Respawn has added a “special drop rate” for Legendary-tier optics in these special Weapon Supply Bins, though it’s not clear exactly what this means.

As for Skirmisher-class legends, Care Package loot is now automatically pinged for the whole team (provided the Care Package is looked at long enough to reveal its contents). Support-class legends, who can gain access to the secret compartment in Extended Supply Bins, are now guaranteed at least one Shield Battery. Additionally, when opening an Extended Supply Bin while a teammate is dead–even if their Banner Card hasn’t been crafted or retrieved–a Mobile Respawn Beacon is likely to appear in the secret compartment. Even better, instead of the ability to craft timed-out teammate Banner Cards being locked to Support-class legends, any player on a squad with a Support-class legend will gain the ability to craft Banner Cards at Replicators.

When it comes to legends themselves, almost all changes have simply been bug-fixes. The bug causing Ash to make more noise when moving around with her Heirloom equipped has been fixed, and her ultimate Phase Breach ability will persist for its full duration–even if Ash dies before it expires. Also of note are several repairs to bugs that caused issues with Crypto’s drone placement, and he also can no longer access his drone while downed.

Check out the full patch notes from the developers below:



Crate Rotation

L-Star EMG enters the crateRE-45 returns to the floor

Weapon Crafting Rotation

Alternator SMG enters the crafterSentinel enters the crafterEVA-8 returns to the floor30-30 Repeater returns to the floor

Gold Weapon Rotation

Flatline, Triple Take, Spitfire, Mastiff, Volt

Loot Spawns

Improved Vault Loot Increased chances of gold lootAdded light mags to spawn poolImproved Cargo Bot Loot Removed small healing items, Mobile Respawn Beacon, White Armor, White BackpackAdjusted Large Healing and Heatshield spawns to allow for more desirable loot spawnsRemoved gold weapons from purple tier Cargo Bots but increased spawn chance in gold tier


L-Star EMG [Crate]

Added Disruptor Rounds: 60% damage increase against shieldsBase Damage Reduced to 16 (was 17)Projectiles now have passthrough: 60% damage retainedProjectile growth increasedImproved recoil patternRemoved barrelAmmo Stockpile: 324Reduced VFX brightness when hitting unarmored targets

30-30 Repeater

Projectile size increased when fully charged

Triple Take

Projectile size increasedImproved hipfire spreadTightened bullet pattern when fully chokedAmmo per shot reduced to 1 (was 3)Magazines sizes adjusted to match the new ammo costs Purple Mag: Increased to 10 shots (was 9)

R-99 SMG

Removed 1 bullet from base and all magazines No Magazine reduced to 19 (was 20)White Magazine reduced to 21 (was 22)Blue Magazine reduced to 24 (was 25)Purple & Gold magazine reduced to 27 (was 28)

Charge Rifle

Reduced shots per magazine to 3 (was 4)Reduced spawn rate



Dark VeilScan Highlights & Diamonds are no longer visible through the Dark Veil


Class changed from Skirmisher to Support


Now gets slowed to weapon sprint speed instead of weapon walk speed when targeting with her tac

Assault Class

Smart loot gains have been adjusted to reduce skipping an upgrade tier It will now be less likely to jump from White to Purple or Blue to GoldOptics are now given based on team rather than just Assault Legend who opens themAdded special drop rate for Gold Optics

Skirmisher Class

Care packages are now automatically pinged for the team on reveal. This includes empty Care Packages that have already been looted by another team

Support Class

Support Bins will now guarantee at least one Battery in one of the Secret Compartment slotsSupport Bins will now award MRBs if your ally is dead, even if you don’t have their banner card.Legend Banners can now be crafted by ANY player who has a Support Class Legend in their Squad


New Podium screens for Gun Run and ControlDisplay a message in the Kill Feed if Leaver Penalties are disabled for the match due to an unfair matchControl and Gun Run will indicate the team’s MVPs on the intro podiumControl and TDM have updated loadouts (Crate Weapon changes and updates based on weapon meta/pick rates/kill rates)Gun Run and TDM now have XP Bonuses for Match Completion and Match Completion after Join in Progress


Map rotation: Barometer is out, Olympus: Hammond Labs is inWeapon Evo Change: No longer Evo weapons automatically when a new Rating Tier is reached. Players now reach the new tier and their weapon will Evo when the player holsters and then unholsters their weapon in any form (reload, weapon switch, manual holster, rides a zipline, performs a skydive, etc)

Gun Run

Weapon Track update for new crate weapons.Added an additional XP bonus on the last weapon knife kill

Team Deathmatch

Map rotation: Skulltown is out, Phase Runner is in


Prowler: fixed ADS while crouchingIMC Armories: fixed spectres taking too much damage from arc starsFixed Duos showing NBR challenges instead of BR challengesFixed comms wheel not being usable when a game is overFixed players glitching inside of loot binsFixed spectators not receiving audio queues for all types of launch pads/jump padsFixed flickering of banners during victory and end of match screensScoreboard is saved when a game is finished now, not post-podium sequenceLifetime Stats numbers no longer overlap for more than 7 digitsVarious lobby ultrawide UI improvements


Ash: Steps are no longer louder if heirloom is equippedFixed UI loop when crouch inspect is canceled earlyUltimate will now persist for the entire duration even if Ash dies while it is active and while players are still traveling through itBloodhound: White Ravens already in flight can no longer be scanned for free Tacticals and Ult chargeCaustic: Fixed traps destroying when placed near closed doors that are then openedCrypto: Drone can no longer be accessed after being knockedDrone no longer occasionally teleports behind a wall after you throw itFixed drone sometimes spawning in the middle of the world when thrown into a wallLoba: Fixed visibility issue with Black Market when Bangalore’s smoke is behindAmount head peeks over cover while crouching adjusted to match other LegendsMad Maggie: Improved reliability when hitting objects that the ball will damage or destroyOctane: Removed the double jump hint from the Launch Pad in cases where it would incorrectly show as an option (e.g. after a Pathfinder grapple)Rampart: multiple cover walls can no longer be placed in the same spot on a TridentSeer: Dummies in the firing range will now have the same footstep behavior as other players when moving inside of Seer’s Ultimate instead of behaving like other AI (Prowlers, Spiders)Valkyrie: Ultimate cooldown no longer set to 75% after being canceled while in Death Totem protectionWraith: Fixed ultimate being usable while zipliningMythic finisher “Whiplash” no longer pushes players outside of play area


MixtapeFixed shields dropped by killed enemies being emptyFixed players leaving a match will no longer try to join the same match if its join-in-progress window is still activeTeam DeathmatchFixed grenades not dropping on player deathFixed Estates map image displaying the night variant of the map in the LobbyControlFixed Custom Match Observer issue where it was difficult to close the Map Screen if an Observer had it opened before players spawned in the matchFixed teammates death icon not appearing on the map if the map wasn’t open when the teammate diedFixed ordnance not auto-equipping to the ordnance slot if the player spawned out of boundsFixed reserve ammo counter not displaying when switching weapons from Rampart or Vantage’s ultimate ability


Removed Auto-Taunt Prompt on Enemy KilledCan now ride ziplines while playing the banner pickup animationBullet impact VFX on snow reduced


This season will have some updates to the LiveAPI based on player and developer feedback. These include improvements to existing functionality and messages, new events, and extensive additions to documentation including some examples in Python.

Support for Secure WebSockets (WSS) server connections Configurable SSL verification, to allow self-signed certificatesRequest validation through pre-shared key mechanism that can be specified through `cl_liveapi_requests_psk`Newly added game event broadcast delay that affects only real-time WebSocket connections, configurable through `cl_liveapi_ws_event_delay`Additional documentation and snippets added to events.proto file Includes sample values, code snippets in Python and expected API behaviorChange for API request acknowledgements not behaving as intended Introduction of the RequestStatus message for more detailed explanationsFix for 4KB message payload truncation seen mostly when using JSON data formatFix for PlayerRevive event where the revived player field was incorrectly typed as a string instead of a Player messageNew WarpGateUsed and ObserverAnnotation eventsDowngrade of most uint64 fields to uint32 to ensure serialization as numbers and not strings in JSON All timestamp fields remain as uint64. Developers should take note when using JSON data format instead of Protobuf.

More information, including technical documentation, can be found in the LiveAPI folder at the root of the game installation.

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