Apex Legends Season 8 launches on February 2, and it’s bringing a brand new battle pass to the game, along with the grenade-oriented new character Fuse. A new trailer shows off some of the loot you can claim as part of that new battle pass, and fans of Lifeline and Bangalore aren’t going to be disappointed.
If you’re in it for the skins, the two main attractions here are the Lifeline Legendary skin Bad to the Bone and the Bangalore Legendary skin Radical Action. Those unlock at level 25 and 50 respectively. The DMR X-1 Reactive Longbow is the reward for hauling it all the way to level 100, so if you’re big on sniper rifles, you can start counting levels.
Other rewards in the pass include new music packs, loading screens, quips, and the fan-favorite skydive emotes. Wraith’s portal dive and Pathfinder’s bird swing are both shown off in the trailer, and they’re particularly amusing. Season 8 will also add a new lever-action rifle called the 30-30 Repeater, as well as nerfing Wraith and buffing Rampart. Check out the full patch notes if you want more details.