The latest episode of Apex Legends‘ Stories from the Outlands series, “Family Business,” premiered via the game’s official YouTube channel today. Centered on Lifeline, the episode depicts a young Ajay’s rebellious escape from her parents’ high-maintenance, heavily armed lifestyle, along with the friends she made–and lost–along the way.
The episode begins with the revelation that Lifeline has a boyfriend. After a heated argument with her mother, Ajay leaves her wealthy family for good. She appears to have taken one of the drones produced by Chevrex, her parents’ company, and modified it to heal instead of hurt. With DOC in tow, Ajay leaves her old life and joins the Frontier Corps, a humanitarian aid organization.
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Now Playing: Apex Legends | Stories from the Outlands: Family Business
After rescuing her boyfriend on the battlefield, Ajay notices that some of the weaponry being used in the battle is also made by Chevrex, which cements her decision to cut off her family for good. Unfortunately, her boyfriend is seriously injured, and still requires more medication. The medication in question is produced by Silva Pharmaceuticals, a company run by Torres Silva, Octane’s grandfather (who has spent most of Octane’s life posing as his father instead). Always up for an adventure, a young Octane teams up with Lifeline to raid his family’s pharmaceutical facility, though Octane appears to have ulterior motives, as he is holding an armful of Stim syringes when the duo are caught by the Silva Pharmaceuticals security team. Some quick thinking on Lifeline’s part allows her to rapidly dispatch the security team, though a flock of Chevrex drones pursue Ajay and Octavio as they leave the facility. Thankfully, Octane had the brilliant idea to bring a pair of wingsuits, allowing the pair to escape to safety–but not before Octane takes a bullet to the thigh.
Back at the Frontier Corps hospital, Ajay and Octane return with the medicine, but are interrupted when Torres Silva and Lifeline’s mother, Cherisse, arrive with armed guards and another fleet of Chevrex drones. However, it seems Octane and Lifeline planned for this, as Octane begins livestreaming the incident when Torres and Cherisse start aiming weapons at the Frontier Corps’ patients. Fearful of a PR disaster, Torres and Cherisse quickly back down, and the patients give Ajay and Octavio a round of applause.
Sadly, Lifeline’s boyfriend is not among them. “You’ll always be a Che,” he declares, before ending their relationship. But thankfully, Octane still has Lifeline’s back. As he cracks jokes to comfort her, viewers finally get a good look at his face, sans mask. He’s also got organic legs, implying these events took place before the infamous grenade-jumping incident that left Octane with metal legs.
The episode ends with Lifeline and Octane rocking out to a song by Ajay’s band, The Flyer Liars. It’s a bittersweet moment, considering the current state of their relationship after the massive argument they had in Season 12, but today’s episode of Stories from the Outlands seems to suggest that there may still be hope for their friendship. But they definitely they have a lot to hash out–shortly after Octane blew off his legs, he manipulated Ajay into getting him his robotic shins, putting her career at risk. Last season he unknowingly delivered Lifeline’s beloved Frontier Corps to her mother on a silver platter, and accidentally aided his grandfather’s hostile takeover of the Syndicate, so it makes sense that Ajay wants nothing to do with him at the moment. But it’s unlikely their relationship is over for good–mainly because they’ll need to work as a team now that Torres Silva is controlling the Syndicate and Cherisse Che has taken over Lifeline’s Frontier Corps.