Apex Legends Trailer Shows Off Explosive New Character Fuse

A new character is coming to Apex Legends in Season 8, and we now know a lot more about his abilities, thanks to a new trailer from Respawn. This Legend is the explosives expert Fuse, and his kit is very much designed to fit that specific niche. We’ve got the full details on the kit below.

First, Fuse has a passive ability called Grenadier that allows him to stack an extra grenade per inventory slot. His robotic arm also allows him to fire grenades faster, further, and with more precision than other Legends. His tactical ability, Knuckle Cluster, is a cluster bomb that deploys a large number of small bombs that explode into the air. Finally, his ultimate ability is The Motherload, a mortar that bombards a large area in a wall of flame.

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Now Playing: Apex Legends – Official "Meet Fuse" Character Trailer

In terms of where he fits in the existing meta, Fuse seems to be a very offense-oriented character, similar to favorites like Bangalore and Wraith. His abilities will allow him to quickly flush out or finish a trapped team. However, his explosives can also be used as area denial by strategic players, especially in concert with more defense-oriented Legends like Wattson or Gibraltar.

Apex Legends Season 8: Mayhem will start later this week, on February 2. It will bring Fuse and his AC/DC-inspired quips to the game, as well as a new battle pass and the 30-30 Repeater lever-action rifle. A recent leak seemed to indicate that the battle royale game will come to Nintendo Switch soon, but that has not been confirmed.

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About Steven T. Wright

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