Apogee Repeaters Locations On Neomuna In Destiny 2: Lightfall

Apogee Repeaters are collectibles scattered across Neomuna after the World’s First Root of Nightmare raid completion. Grabbing each Apogee Repeater gives 100 reputation with Nimbus and contributes to multiple Neomuna Triumphs. However, there are no gear or flair rewards for collecting all Apogee Repeaters.

Apogee Repeaters look like floating spikes of Pyramid tech with a distinctive vertical, golden Resonance glow. If you’re itching to collect every Apogee Repeater, this guide details their locations across Neomuna. Keep in mind, collecting all 39 of these Apogee Repeaters requires a lot of jumping and grappling.

Table of Contents [hide]Límíng Harbor – 8 Apogee RepeatersMaya’s Retreat – 3 Apogee RepeatersRadiosonde – 3 Apogee RepeatersAhimsa Park – 8 Apogee RepeatersTyphon Imperator – 3 Apogee RepeatersZephyr Concourse – 8 Apogee RepeatersEsi Terminal – 3 Apogee RepeatersIrkalla Complex – 3 Apogee Repeaters

Límíng Harbor – 8 Apogee Repeaters

First, start at Límíng Harbor. The first Apogee Repeater is above a pillar in front of the Límíng Harbor landing zone.

The second is above a fan sitting next to the Límíng Harbor landing zone.

The third is in front of the large fan opposite the Límíng Harbor landing zone. You have to climb up the silver, twirly statue to get to it.

There is a curved building, will three bright orange billboard panels. You’ll find the collectible on a rod in front of the curved building.

Following the counterclockwise pattern, you’ll a set of two large billboards near the road that leads to Zephyr Concourse. Jump onto the first billboard to get the Apogee Repeater.

Near the Neptunian ocean, there is a large teal-colored crane that has the collectible.

Looking off at the ocean toward the outside of Radiosonde, jump on the awnings to get to the Apogee Repeater.

This one is a bit tricky to get. The collectible is beside the tall structure above the Neptunian ocean. Jump up the metal bars inside the building to get to the Apogee.

Maya’s Retreat – 3 Apogee Repeaters

From Límíng Harbor, go through the glittery caves until you reach Maya’s Retreat. You’ll find the first Apogee Repeater in Maya’s Retreat on the right side of the platform against the rocks. It is above the fan.

The second is on the last fan on the platform facing toward the canyon.

The third Apogee Repeater in Maya’s Retreat is on a canyon rock to the left of the platform. You can get to it by jumping across the side of the canyon.

Radiosonde – 3 Apogee Repeaters

From Maya’s Retreat, head to the Radiosonde–beside Límíng Harbor. From the Límíng Harbor landing zone, turn left and enter the ship-like building. When you first arrive at Radiosonde, the collectible is directly in front. Cross to the next platform and jump onto the ledge to grab the Apogee Repeater.

Next, head all the way down Radiosonde and climb up the stairs to get to the next one.

Finally, when you enter the last room, turn to your left and shoot the vent above the other door. Follow the vent until you get to a circular room with Cabal enemies. Follow the stairs upward until you get to a pink-lit room to get Radiosonde’s last Apogee Repeater.

Ahimsa Park – 8 Apogee Repeaters

Fast travel to either Strider’s Gate or Límíng Harbor and make your way to Ahimsa Park. Start with getting the Apogee Repeater on the ruins above the road that leads to Zephyr Concourse.

In the southern part of Ahimsa Park, there is a glass awning on the side of the building with the collectible–it’s sitting above a gorge.

Another Apogee Repeater is above the cyan and pink dome building at the center of Ahimsa Park.

On the opposite side of the dome building, there is another one.

Above a Pyramid pillar in front of the Typhon Imperator, you’ll find the next Apogee Repeater.

There is another one above a different Pyramid pillar, which is also in front of the Typhon Imperator.

Then, head inside the dome building and jump onto the platforms on top. The Apogee Repeater is next to the jellyfish mural.

The last one in Ahimsa Park is above the road that leads to Strider’s Gate, it’s on top of a pink building.

Typhon Imperator – 3 Apogee Repeaters

The Typhon Imperator is accessible from Ahimsa Park. Enter the Typhon Imperator and follow the path as you did for the Downfall mission in the Lightfall campaign. When you go through the maze-like treasure room with the gold and statue displays, head further down to a smaller dim-lit room to get the Apogee Repeater sitting above the large doorway–it’s right before the narrow jumping puzzle hallway.

You’ll find the next collectible in the corner of the narrow jumping puzzle hallway with pillars lined against the walls. The collectible comes before the room with the colorful cubes and golden Calus statue.

From the hallway, enter the room with the golden Calus statue. The Apogee Repeater is on the statue’s head.

Zephyr Concourse – 8 Apogee Repeaters

From Ahimsa Park, take the road over to Zephyr Concourse. Near the road to Ahimsa Park, there is a yellow building on the side. The edge of the building has the Apogee Repeater, but it’s easiest to grapple to the balcony instead of jumping to it.

Near the road that leads to Strider’s Gate, there is a dark pink building with fans on the front. One of those fans has the collectible. You can jump across the awnings at the front of the building to get to it.

The next one is on the side of a pink-colored building with a large jellyfish mural, which sits next to the road to Strider’s Gate. The Apogee Repeater is on a pair of fans that sits above a gorge.

Then, walk across the multiple large awnings covering the shopping area to get the Apogee Repeater on a small platform above the Esi Terminal gate.

By the road that leads to Límíng Harbor, jump onto the awning that’s above the shopping area and grab the collectible.

Near the outdoor bar, there’s a stage with large speakers and seating. Look behind the stage then jump down to the platform below to grab the Apogee Repeater.

Making your way to the road that leads to Límíng Harbor, peek under the bridge by the doorway of the circular red building at the center of Zephyr Concourse–this bridge is in front of the stage area. The Apogee Repeater is on a pillar under the bridge.

Finally, enter the circular red building with the spinning structure. The last Apogee Repeater in Zephyr Concourse is atop one of the screen walls.

Esi Terminal – 3 Apogee Repeaters

From Zephyr Concourse, go through the gates of Esi Terminal. When your screen says that you’ve arrived at Esi Terminal, the first Apogee Repeater will be on top of a tree to the right.

Head to the other side and go down the ramp, where you’ll find some Cabal enemies. Jump onto the metal bar to grab the Apogee Repeater.

From the ramp, go further down and through the building until it leads you outdoors, where you’ll find a crashed Cabal drop pod. The Apogee Repeater is at the center of that area.

Irkalla Complex – 3 Apogee Repeaters

Head through the doorway next to the large eye mural in Esi Terminal and get to Irkalla Complex. When you get to Irkalla Complex, don’t go through the portal just yet. Near the portal, you’ll find a building with small platforms you can jump on. Following those platforms and up the red construction crane, jump onto rooftops to get the first Apogee Repeator in Irkalla Complex.

The second one in this region is on the large reddish platform–recognizably one the tallest and largest platforms in Irkalla Complex. You can get to it by jumping on the smaller platforms on the sides of buildings. When you get to the large reddish platform, jump onto the ledge underneath to grab the collectible. That ledge is thin and hard to get to, so aim your grapple at the metal bars holding that ledge to reel you in.

For the very last Apogee Repeater, you can go through the portal to get it. But if you’re already on the large reddish platform, jump across the broken bridge and onto the fortress wall. The collectible is sitting on the cannon.

In addition to the collectibles, the Final Warning Exotic sidearm was originally a post-raid quest but was accessible earlier than planned when Bungie unlocked all Strand Fragments. If you’re looking for more collectibles and secrets around Neomuna, we have guides on where to find the Cloud Strider action figures and secret events.

About Saniya Ahmed

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