April PlayStation Plus Game Meet Your Maker Unveils Early Post-Launch Content Roadmap

Dead by Daylight studio Behaviour Interactive launches its new game Meet Your Maker in April, and the studio has outlined its plans for the first three months of content that will arrive after launch. Set in a post-apocalyptic future and described as a new spin on the building-and-raiding genre by its creators, Meet Your Maker will arrive on April 4 for PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One. PS Plus subscribers will be able to play the game on launch day, as Meet Your Maker is one of the free games for the month alongside Sackboy: A Big Adventure and Tails of Iron.

“While Meet Your Maker will launch with a full arsenal of traps, guards, weapons, Custodians, and more already included for players to discover and master, we have a strong post-launch plan that will be delivering content designed to constantly expand the players’ toolbox,” creative director Ash Pannell explained in a press statement. “Keeping things fresh, ever-changing, and always unexpected is our mission when it comes to adding content to Meet Your Maker.”

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For the first DLC pack, players can look forward to the Hellscape deco pack that adds a grisly new aesthetic to the game. This DLC combines organic matter, industrial materials, pulsing animations, and sinister lighting to make you feel like you’re raiding a living organism. New mods and augments will roll out over time, allowing for unlockable enhancements that Builders can use to make their lairs even more dangerous for would-be Raiders.

The first major content update, Sector 1: Dreadshore, will arrive in late June. This DLC adds a new environment and a new deco pack, weapon upgrades, new gameplay elements, and more traps to the mix. “Each item is designed to shake up the game’s meta and will be themed to match the new Sector,” Pannell added.

The PvP raiding and building game will also have a Dead by Daylight crossover on launch, as players in both games will receive deco packs. Dead by Daylight players will get a Pentekath’s Suit for Meg Thomas and three unique killer weapons, while Meet Your Maker players will get a Dead by Daylight deco pack.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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