Arby's And Shovel Knight Team Up In New DLC Promotion

Fast food promotions for popular games are nothing new, but it’s relatively rare to see an indie game get the Happy Meal treatment. Fans of Shovel Knight may want to stop over at their local Arby’s to check out the seven themed “launcher tokens” that will come with kids meals. The promotion will last from now until May 31.

As the above trailer shows, each token comes with its own DLC code, which works on both Steam and Switch. The Yacht Club Games site outlines what each of the DLC codes do, and it sounds like they have some pretty wild in-game effects.

Shovel Knight Launcher Token: Text Swap – Of all heroes, none shone brighter than Meat Meat and Shield Meat!” Use this meaty cheat to change the colorful cast of Shovel Knight’s names to something more….delectable! Works with all games in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove!

Shield Knight Launcher Token: Shield Knight Sandwich – Shovel Knight’s dream now features a falling sandwich instead of his beloved Shield Knight. Catch it, and chow down! Works in Shovel of Hope.

The Enchantress Launcher Token: Enemy Swap – Make the Enchantress’ army appetizing! This cheat swaps out the baneful baddies with mouthwatering menu items! Works with all games in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove!

Black Knight Launcher Token: Sandwich Fairy Friend – A friendly Arby’s sandwich fairy (complete with cheese wings!) will accompany your character throughout their journey. Works with all games in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove.

King Knight Launcher Token: Arby’s Crow Armor – King Knight’s regal crown is replaced by an even more regal Arby’s cowboy hat logo. Works in King of Cards.

Specter Knight Launcher Token: Food Swap – Refill your health in style! Platters are replaced by piping hot trays of Arby’s delights, and magic is replaced by milkshakes. Works with all games in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove.

“Doctor” Knight (Plague Knight) Launcher Token: Hold Up Food – Your character will proudly present a random Arby’s menu item – just hold Down on the D-Pad. Works with any character in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove.

Perceptive Shovel Knight fans will notice that the franchise’s bomb-throwing alchemist Plague Knight is referred to as “Doctor Knight” in the above tweet. Given the current conditions we live under, this isn’t exactly a surprising move. Then again, he does wear a doctor’s outfit of a sort, so it at least makes thematic sense. Let’s hope that he can go by his old title relatively soon. McDonald’s recently announced Pokemon Happy Meals, so if you really are on that fast food kick, check it out.

Shovel Knight Launcher Token: “Of all heroes, none shone brighter than Meat Meat and Shield Meat!” Use this meaty cheat to change the colorful cast of Shovel Knight’s names to something more….delectable! Works with all games in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove!

Shield Knight Launcher Token: Shield Knight SandwichShovel Knight’s dream now features a falling sandwich instead of his beloved Shield Knight. Catch it, and chow down! Works in Shovel of Hope.

The Enchantress Launcher Token: Enemy SwapMake the Enchantress’ army appetizing! This cheat swaps out the baneful baddies with mouthwatering menu items! Works with all games in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove!

Black Knight Launcher Token: Sandwich Fairy FriendA friendly Arby’s sandwich fairy (complete with cheese wings!) will accompany your character throughout their journey. Works with all games in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove.

King Knight Launcher Token: Arby’s Crow ArmorKing Knight’s regal crown is replaced by an even more regal Arby’s cowboy hat logo. Works in King of Cards.

Specter Knight Launcher Token: Food SwapRefill your health in style! Platters are replaced by piping hot trays of Arby’s delights, and magic is replaced by milkshakes. Works with all games in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove.

“Doctor” Knight (Plague Knight) Launcher Token: Hold Up FoodYour character will proudly present a random Arby’s menu item – just hold Down on the D-Pad. Works with any character in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove.

About Steven T. Wright

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