All Ark: Survival Ascended Console Commands And What They Do

Ark: Survival Ascended console commands give you complete control over your server and everyone in it, assuming you know what you’re doing. There are nearly 100 console commands, each with very specific triggers and ways to input your desired parameters. We’ve rounded up all of them in our Ark: Survival Ascended console commands list and explained what each does.

How to use Ark: Survival Ascended console commands on PC

Press the “~” key (without quotation marks) to open the console command screen on PC. You’ll see an empty black space and a blinking cursor. Enter your command, and a list of suggested commands appears. Choose from it, or ignore it and keep typing your own. Press “Enter” when you’re finished to activate the command. You may need to open the game’s main menu by pressing the “Escape” key first, though I accessed the console commands menu without doing that.

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How to use Ark Survival Ascended console commands on PlayStation and Xbox

On PlayStation:

Open the menuPress L1, R1, Square, and Triangle simultaneously

On Xbox:

Open the menuPress RB, LB, Y, and X simultaneously

All Ark Survival Ascended console commands

Command Input Command Effect
AddExperience (number) Grants your character the number of XP you specified
AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck (steamid) or (PSN id) or (gamertag) Adds player to your whitelist

DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck (steamid) or (PSN id) or (gamertag)

Removes player from your whitelist
BanPlayer (steamid) or (PSN id) or (gamertag) Specified player will no longer be able to join your servers
Broadcast (message) Sends the message you put in parentheses to all players on the current server
ChangeSize (number) Changes your player’s size
ClearPlayerInventory (player ID) (ClearInventory) (ClearSlotItems) (ClearEquippedItems) Will remove the specified item categories from the indicated player
ClearTutorials Disables tutorial messages
DebugStructures Displays ID and structure info when looking at structures
Command Input Command Effect
DestroyAll (type) Instantly destroys all dinosaurs of the specified type
Destroy AllEnemies Destroys every wild enemy and all tame enemies you own
DestroyStructures Destroys all structures you own
DestroyTribeDinos Destroys all dinosaurs of the tribe you’re currently facing
DestroyTribePlayers Destroys all tribe members you’re currently facing
DestroyTribeStructures Destroys all tribe structures belonging to the tribe you’re currently facing
DestroyWildDinos Destroys all untamed dinosaurs
DisableSpectator Causes the user to leave spectator mode and respawn as a player
DoExit Disables the active server
Command Input Command Effect
DoRestartLevel Forces the current map to perform a restart
DoTame Tames the dinosaur you’re currently facing
EnemyInvisible Enemies behave as if you’re not present
ExecSetSleepingTrue You fall asleep
ExecSetSleepingFalse You wake up
Fly You can fly
ForceTame Tames the dinosaur you’re currently facing and lets you ride without a saddle
ForceTameAOE (radius) Applies the ForceTame effect to all dinosaurs in the radius you specify
ForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe (PlayerID) Assigns the player you specify to join the tribe you’re currently targeting
GameCommand (command) Lets you issue commands to begin new game modes
Command Input Command Effect
GetChat Displays all in-game chats
GFI (item name) Instantly gives you the item specified in parentheses
Ghost Lets you pass through solid objects
GiveAllMeat Gives you every kind of meat
GiveAllStructure Gives you every structure belonging to the targeted tribe
GiveArmorSet (tier) (quality) Instantly gives you armor corresponding to the parameters you specify
GiveBossItems Gives you boss drops
GiveColors Gives you every type of dye
GiveCreativeMode Puts you in creative mode
GiveCreativeModeToPlayer (PlayerID) Puts the selected player in creative mode
Command Input Command Effect
GiveDinoSet (tier) (quality) Spawns a dinosaur and saddle of the tier and quality you specify
GiveEngrams Unlocks all recipes
GiveEngramsTekOnly Unlocks all Tek recipes
GiveItem / GiveItemNum (item#/BlueprintPath)(quantity)(Quality)(ForceBlueprint) Gives you the item you specify
GiveItemSet (tier) Gives you the specified tier of item

GiveItem / GiveItemNum (PlayerID) (item#/BlueprintPath)(quantity)(Quality)(ForceBlueprint)

Gives the item you specify to the player you specify
GiveResources Gives you 50 of every resource
GiveWeaponset (tier) (quality) Gives you a weapon set of the specified tier and quality
GiveSlotItem /GiveSlotItemNum (BlueprintPath) (SlotNumber) (Quantity) Gives you an item from the specified blueprint in the specified slot
Command Input Command Effect
GiveToMe Gives the user the structure, item, or dinosaur they’re targeting
GMBuff Activates god mode and grants you XP and Engrams
GMSummon (type)(level) Summons a creature matching the type and level you specify
God Activates god mode, where you can’t be harmed by enemies. You can, however, still starve or drown
HideTutorial (TutorialIndex) Hides the specified tutorial
HurtMe (amount) Instantly damages you by the specified amount
InfiniteStats Removes survival requirements
KickPlayer (SteamId) or (PSN ID) or (Gamertag) Removes the player from your server
Kill Kills the structure, enemy, or character you’re currently targeting
Command Input Command Effect
KillPlayer (SteamId) or (PSN ID) or (Gamertag) Kills the specified player
LeaveMeAlone You become invincible
ListPlayers Displays a list of all players in the server and their ID
MakeTribeAdmin Gives you admin rights over the tribe you’re in
MakeTribeFounder Turns you into the founder of the tribe you’re part of
OnToggleInGameMenu Opens the in-game menu
OpenMap (MapName) Opens the map you specified
PlayersOnly Freezes all non-player creatures
PrintColors Prints color IDs
Command Input Command Effect
RemoveTribeAdmin Removes the current tribe administrator’s status
Rename (SteamId) or (PSN ID) or (Gamertag) (PlayerName) Changes the selected player’s name to the chosen name
Rename (TribeName) (NewTribeName) Renames the chosen tribe to the new specified name
RequestSpectator (password) Issues a request to join as a spectator, using the password the server owner established
SaveWorld Saves all world settings
ServerChat (message) Sends the specified message to all players in the server
ServerChatToPlayer (SteamId) or (PSN ID) or (Gamertag) Sends a message to the chosen player
SetAdminIconTrue Displays the admin icon next to the admin’s name
SetAdminIconFalse Removes the admin icon from next to the admin’s name
Command Input Command Effect
SetBabyAge (AgeNumber) Sets the targeted baby’s age to the number specified
SetCheatPlayerTrue Activates the cheat menu
SetCheatPlayerFalse Disables the cheat menu
SetFacialHairPercent (Length) Sets your character’s facial hair to the specified length
SetGlobalPause (IsPaused) Pauses the current server
SetTimeOfDay XX:XX Set the time of day to the specified value
Summon <type> Generate a creature of the type specified
SummonTamed <type> Generate a tamed creature of the type specified
Teleport Move in the direction that you’re facing
Command Input Command Effect
TeleportPlayerIDToMe <PlayerID> Brings the specified player to you
ToggleInfiniteAmmo Turns infinite ammo on or off (enter once to activate and once more to deactivate)
TPCoords <lat><long><altitude> Teleport to specified location

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