Assassin's Creed Mirage Releasing This October, Confirmed In New Gameplay Trailer

A new trailer for Assassin’s Creed Mirage has been revealed, providing our first look at the gameplay for Ubisoft Bordeaux’s upcoming project. If that trailer is any indication, Assassin’s Creed Mirage looks to be a fantastic return to the series’ roots, with an emphasis on small, detailed environments, freerunning, and social stealth.

Of particular note, the parkour elements in Mirage look fantastic–Assassin’s Creed’s freerunning mechanics haven’t been all that great since Unity and the series’ in-game movement took a serious nosedive when it moved away from social stealth in Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla. The trailer also teases the return of the black box assassination missions, Hitman-like levels that haven’t really been a part of the Assassin’s Creed series since Syndicate, though they did reappear in a lesser form in Valhalla’s post-launch DLC.

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Now Playing: Assassin's Creed Mirage – Gameplay Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

Speaking of Valhalla, Mirage takes place years prior to it. In Mirage, you play as Basim Ibn Ishaq, a young street thief in Baghdad who is inducted into the Hidden Ones (the precursor to the Assassin Brotherhood). As the reincarnation of Loki, Basim also has visions of his past life, which take the shape of mystical-looking creatures.

Basim utilizes plenty of the traditional weapons and strategies of the previous Assassin’s Creed protagonists, including smoke bombs, throwing knives, and poison. As seen in the new gameplay trailer, he’s also a fairly fast and fluid combatant, able to use his sword and dagger to kill several enemies in quick succession.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage will launch for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC on October 12.

Every Assassin's Creed Game, ReviewedSee More

About Jordan Ramée

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