Assassin's Creed Valhalla Free Discovery Tour DLC Arrives October 19

Ubisoft’s latest Discovery Tour DLC is coming to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla on October 19, and this time around will put a bigger emphasis on storytelling compared to Ubisoft’s previous educational experiences.

Discovery Tour: Viking Age will be a free DLC update for owners of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, similar to the Discovery Tour: Ancient Egypt DLC for Assassin’s Creed Origins and the Discovery Tour: Ancient Greece for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. A standalone version of the DLC will be available for $20 on PC, with a standalone version coming to Xbox, PlayStation, Stadia, and Luna in early 2022.

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Where this new Discovery Tour will differ is how Ubisoft says it has changed the formula of the educational DLC series to make the experience “more fun and informative.” Players will actually step into the shoes of various Viking and Anglo-Saxon characters to live their stories, learning details about 9th century Norway and England along the way in a non-violent, interactive educational experience.

Discovery Tour: Viking Age was created in close collaboration with historians and archaeologists, with Ubisoft partnering with a number of different museums including the Hampshire Cultural Trust, The National Museum of Denmark, and The British Library to feature real artifacts. Several of the museums, like the Hampshire Cultural Trust and the Preston Park Museum & Grounds, will incorporate elements from the Discovery Tour into special exhibits coming in 2022.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s latest DLC, The Siege of Paris, released in August, bringing with it new infiltration missions that served as a callback to the gameplay of older, stealth-focused entries in the series.

About Cameron Koch

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