Assassin's Creed Valhalla's The Siege Of Paris Seems Designed For Late-Game

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla‘s second expansion, The Siege of Paris, is scheduled to release August 12. Unlike the first expansion, Wrath of the Druids, The Siege of Paris seems designed for those who have already put a sizable dent into Valhalla’s campaign.

“There is no mandatory power level to play The Siege of Paris,” Ubisoft PR told GameSpot. “The suggested power level for the Francia area will be 200.”

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Ubisoft confirmed that like Wrath of the Druids, The Siege of Paris will be accessible once you complete at least one of the first two narrative arcs in England (Grantebridgescire or Ledecestrescire).

“When in Ravensthorpe, Eivor will stumble upon visitors from Francia offering suspiciously generous presents and will trigger a quest,” Ubisoft writes. “The travel to Francia and back will then be available in the Atlas.”

However, even though you’ll be able to access The Siege of Paris at the same time as Wrath of the Druids, it does not necessarily mean you should. There’s your in-game power level to consider.

To provide context, the suggested power level for Ireland (the setting of Wrath of the Druids) is 55. That’s significantly lower than Francia’s 200.

The suggested power level for both Grantebridgescire and Ledecestrescire is 20, a number which then jumps to 55 for the third territory, Eastern England. So Wrath of the Druids’ suggested power level aligns with the start of Eivor’s story.

At a suggested power level of 200, Francia fits in-between the Jorvik arc (suggested power level of 190) and Glowecestrescire (suggested power level of 220), which you likely won’t get to for a very long time. Glowecestrescire kicks off the final quarter of Valhalla’s lengthy campaign.

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Of course, since power levels are suggestions and not mandatory, you can tackle The Siege of Paris whenever you want, but you may seriously struggle surviving open combat or defeating any mandatory boss battles if you’re too under-leveled.

Taking the time to play through Valhalla’s campaign may also help on the stealth side of The Siege of Paris. The Siege of Paris is bringing back Assassin’s Creed’s black box missions, the awesome stealth-based assassination levels first introduced in Assassin’s Creed Unity and then continued in Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. The missions were cut with Assassin’s Creed’s transition to a more action RPG format that began with Assassin’s Creed Origins.

The black box missions require players to think creatively and pay attention to their environment, needing to discover how to assassinate their target instead of the game telling them how. There’s always several different ways of accomplishing the task, but the most creative solutions usually require a great deal of stealth, something Eivor struggles with until she has a few stealth-based abilities and skills unlocked.

About Jordan Ramée

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