At Long Last, Destiny 2 Will Let You Get A Better Look At Weapons And Ships

Bungie seems to be on a roll with adding long-asked-for features to Destiny 2, with Exotic weapon focusing coming soon, deaths from fall damage being removed recently, and an in-game loadout system finally being introduced. Next up is something players have wanted for years: the ability to rotate your weapons and ships in your inventory so you can see just how nice they look.

It’s a pure vanity feature–certainly less important than the many weapon changes outlined in Bungie’s latest blog post–but it is still an exciting one. While you could always inspect weapons and ships to get a closer look at them in your inventory, the angle from which they could be viewed was fixed. What does the back of a ship look like? What’s on the other side of your gun? With the Season of the Deep update launching next week, you’ll finally be able to find out more easily.

This feature will work much in the same way it does with sparrows, and it will be available both in your inventory and when looking at ornaments in the Eververse store. With ships, you’ll also be able to preview their contrails, as seen in the video above. Additionally, ambient visual effects will play for any weapons that have them, such as the fire effect you see on Conditional Finality in the video.

To also make your time staring at your weapons and items more satisfying, the screen for inspecting weapons, ships, or armor will no longer have a depth-of-field blur effect.

Season of the Deep launches this coming Tuesday, May 23, with this new inspect feature and much more. There will be new Strand Aspects, Exotic armor overhauls, an easier path to obtaining craftable weapon patterns, an increase to Exotic drops, and much more.

The Best (And Most Ridiculously Fun) Destiny 2 ExoticsSee More

About Chris Pereira

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