Awesome Games Done Quick 2022: How To Watch AGDQ And Schedule

Awesome Games Done Quick, better known as AGDQ, is live now, rising money for a great cause while some of the best players in the world speedrun video games. This year, AGDQ takes place from January 9-16, and as with the past few events, it will be entirely online due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic. This is different from earlier events, which took place in person. That doesn’t mean there will be any fewer games, however, nor will there be fewer opportunities to win prizes as everyone works together to support the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Here’s how you can watch all of AGDQ 2022 and the biggest streams to look out for.

How to watch AGDQ 2022

Unlike some other gaming streams, AGDQ is not streamed–at least not officially–on YouTube. Highlights are posted there after the fact, but the main Awesome Games Done Quick show will be streamed on the organization’s Twitch page. We’ve embedded that page above to make it easier, so you can come back right here when it begins and watch the whole thing. It’s just one stream at a time, so there’s no need to jump back and forth to make sure you aren’t missing your favorite game.

AGDQ 2022 schedule highlights

AGDQ 2022 will run from January 9 to January 16, kicking off with a pre-show at 8:30 AM PT / 11:30 AM ET and a PS5 speedrun of Nioh 2. It’s ending with a Metal Gear Solid run on a PlayStation TV, of all systems. Below, we’ve broken the event down by day and have highlighted some of the most exciting runs. You can see every run and a list of runners and hosts on the official website. And you won’t want to miss that Sekiro run on January 15… it’s being done blindfolded.

January 9

Deathloop: 1:39 PM PT / 4:39 PM ETMega Man 2: 2:41 PM PT / 5:41 PM ETDeath’s Door: 3:52 PM PT / 6:52 PM ET

January 10

Gunstar Heroes: 4:27 AM PT / 7:27 AM ETPsychonauts 2: 12:55 PM PT / 3:55 PM ETOri and the Blind Forest: 4:01 PM PT / 7:01 PM ET

January 11

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart: 2:18 PM PT / 5:18 PM ETReturnal: 5:10 PM PT / 8:10 PM ETDead Rising: 6:41 PM PT / 9:41 PM ET

January 12

The Typing of the Dead: 2:59 AM PT / 5:59 AM ETHalo 5: Guardians: 4:55 PM PT / 7:55 PM ETDiddy Kong Racing: 7:02 PM PT / 10:02 PM ET

January 13

Half-Life 2: 8:01 AM PT / 11:01 AM ETResident Evil Village: 5:23 PM PT / 8:23 PM ET

January 14

It Takes Two: 9:57 PM ET (January 13) / 12:57 AM ETDark Souls: 9:42 AM PT / 12:42 PM ETHades: 6:33 PM PT / 9:33 PM ET

January 15

EarthBound: 8:59 AM PT / 11:59 AM ETHalo: Combat Evolved: 11:24 AM PT / 2:24 PM ETSekiro: Shadows Die Twice: 2:54 PM PT / 5:54 PM ET

About Gabe Gurwin

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