Back 4 Blood’s first beta launched this week on multiple platforms, and even with it being limited, the player count on PC managed to crack Steam’s top 10 list of the most actively played games. According to SteamDB, Back 4 Blood peaked at 88,403 players, an impressive number considering the more limited rollout of codes for the game on its first day.
Over on Twitch Back 4 Blood also dominated the video platform–and at the time of writing–it has over 171,000 people watching it. Part of that success comes from Twitch streamers being able to gift early access Back 4 Blood codes to fans, as watching an hour of gameplay will result in a Twitch drop containing the code and three invites for friends.
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Now Playing: 22 Minutes of NEW Back 4 Blood Gameplay
Back 4 Blood’s current beta will end on August 9 and will be open to everyone when it resumes from August 12-16. Both versions of the beta include a fairly substantial amount of content, such as every weapon in the game, two of the lengthy PvE missions, the very snackable PvP mode Swarm, and access to five of the eight playable survivors.
The game’s deck-building system is also on full display and can be experimented with to form an interesting selection of mutators to help players survive the endless Ridden hordes. For more on how to get into Back 4 Blood’s current beta this weekend, you can check out our guide on it.
Back 4 Blood officially launches on October 12 for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, and PS5, and Xbox Game Pass subscribers can access the game on launch day as part of the service on console, PC, and cloud. For more info on the game and its various editions, you can check out our Black 4 Blood preorder hub.