Bad Company 2 Dev's New Game Metal: Hellsinger Delayed To 2022

Metal: Hellsinger, a new rhythm FPS featuring music from members of Arch Enemy, Trivium, and Lamb of God, has been delayed to 2022. Developer The Outsiders and publisher Funcom announced the delay on Friday “in order to meet the high expectations for the game.”

As announced previously, Hellsinger features music by Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy) Matt Heafy (Trivium), and Randy Blythe (Lamb of God).

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Now Playing: Metal Hellsinger – Official Announcement Trailer

For those just catching up, Hellsinger features a different song on each level, and every track has multiple layers. “Your performance impacts how many layers of the song will be played at a time, starting with atmospheric background music, and ending with powerful metal anthems,” reads a line from the game’s description.

Hellsinger’s creative director is David Goldfarb, a veteran of the games industry who was the lead designer on Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and was the game director on Payday 2.

No specific release date in 2022 has been announced for Hellsinger, but it’s coming to Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and PC. Funcom acquired The Outsiders earlier this year.

Hellsinger is not the first game to be delayed to 2021–delays have been a common theme this year due in part to the impact of the pandemic. For more, check out all the delayed games.

About Eddie Makuch

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