Baldur's Gate 3 – Best Sorcerer Build Guide

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Sorcerer class is incredibly powerful relative to others in the game, but you can accentuate the Sorcerer with a smart build that enhances strengths and hides or even eliminates weaknesses. Sorcery offers a wide swath of potent and useful spells as well as very flexible rules on when you can and can’t use them. With an equally flexible featured class ability, Sorcerer is there for when you need to use magic on your own terms.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Sorcerer build guide – Draconic Bloodline

The best of the Sorcerer subclasses, Draconic Bloodline, lets you choose a dragon ancestor that you draw your power from. All choices will give you benefits to your Armour Class (13 AC as a base) and 1 HP bonus every level, and your choice of specific color of dragon will grant you an immediate resistance to a specific type of damage (Fire, Cold, etc.) as well as a spell that corresponds to it. Later on, as you level up, you’ll also begin doing bonus damage when casting spells of that type.

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Choose Red Dragon to get the powerful Burning Hands spell. If you want more information on how to create your Sorcerer character when starting the game, check out my Sorcerer Class Guide.

Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer – Level Up Choices

Level 2



Class Passives

Twinned SpellDistant Spell

Level 3


Scorching Ray

Class Passives

Quickened Spell

Level 4


Shocking Grasp


Misty Step


Magic Initiate: Warlock Eldritch BlastTrue Strike/Blade Ward/Bone ChillHexOR Ability Improvement (+2 Cha OR +1 Cha & +1 Dex/Con)

Level 5



Level 6


Cloud of DaggersHasteFearStinking CloudCrown of MadnessSlowBlind

Level 7



Level 8


Banishment / Stoneskin


War Caster / Ability Improvement

Level 9


CloudkillCone of ColdDominate PersonSeeming (Stealth / Deception)Telekenesis

Level 10


Blade Ward/others not taken above


See above

Class Passive

Metamagic: Extended Spell (Good for Cloudkill, Dominate Person, etc.)

Level 11


Globe of InvulnerabilityCircle of DeathDisintegrate (Warning, if they die, you lose all loot)

Level 12


See Level 11 spells (and get whichever you didn’t pick before)


Ability Improvement (or others recommended in previous levels)


Sorcerer is incredibly powerful on its own, but you can also multiclass, if you’d like to. If you are going to, I recommend Warlock 2/Sorcerer 10 to get Eldritch Blast and Hex, but you can also get those by choosing the Magic Initiate: Warlock feat, which is what I recommend if you are starting out as a Sorcerer. I recommend starting as Warlock if you are going to dual-class in that way, since that would get you the best benefits early, so you can use them the whole game.

You can also multi-class Fighter to get Action Surge, which is outrageous when paired with the Sorcerer’s flexibility. You can also opt to grab a few levels in Bard if you want healing capabilities, new proficiencies, and the lot.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is filled to the brim with activities and mysteries. You’ll no doubt be part of an adventure that can take countless hours to complete. For other tips, you can visit our BG3 guides hub.

About Brian Barnett

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