Baldur's Gate 3 May Let You Change How You Look In The Future

Baldur’s Gate 3 has been a smash hit in basically every metric it could be, with over 10 million hours played as of launch weekend. However, it’s missing a popular feature that many RPGs have set as a standard: the ability to change your appearance. Thankfully, Larian Studios seems to be listening.

After you decide on your avatar, you’re stuck that way for the entire game. You’d have to start over to change your look. It’s something that players have been complaining about since the game’s launch, especially if they hastily threw together a look to start playing with their friends as soon as possible.

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Twitter user @TheTrustedTitan was just one of the desperate folk looking for a way out. They commented on one of Michael “Cromwelp” Douse’s posts on Twitter, hoping for a response from Larian Studios’ Director of Publishing.

“Sir please let me change how i look in the game. I’m BEGGING!!!!” they pleaded.

Douse tossed them a promising reply. “Things are being cooked,” he said.

Douse didn’t openly confirm or elaborate on what was cooking, but it’s possible that the team is working on a way to change how the player looks in-game based on the context. Baldur’s Gate 3 has been in development for some time and it just officially launched on August 3. Now that the public has had time to clamor for a change, the team has had time to listen and “cook” up a solution.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is now available on PC and arrives to PS5 on September 6. It’s coming to Xbox at some point, but technical issues on Series S have delayed its release.

About Jess Reyes

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