Baldur's Gate 3 Speedrunners Turn Their Attention To Getting Laid Fast

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a monumentally broad and detailed game that should take most players numerous hours to complete. We’ve already seen just how quickly you can beat it with the current fastest completion time at just under 10 minutes, but with a game packed with all the varied content that Baldur’s Gate 3 has to offer, racing to the credits seems a little boring.

That could be why challenging yourself to see how fast you can get your character laid is now a new fun speedrunner challenge (via IGN), which has now become official in the Sex% category for the game’s speedrunning community. The current record sits at just below eight minutes, with runner Mae (who also managed to beat the game in a hair over 10 minutes) achieving the feat but utilizing some clutch mage skills and the steely determination to get to bed in the evening as quickly as possible.

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The run, which you can see here, shows Mae guiding their level one human wizard through the game’s prologue and avoiding as much combat as possible, making intelligent use of Enhanced Leap to get around skirmishes and keep pushing for glory. Said glory is an introduction to Lae’zel, which happens near the end of the run and during the only forced combat scenario. Mae uses this to their advantage too, tricking one of the tieflings in the Grove to bow down to Lae’zel. This is enough to convince Lae’zel to invite Mae’s wizard over for a different kind of skirmish at night, which Mae quickly initiates once getting back to camp.

This is just the first serious attempt at this comedic category, but one that is surely going to be improved upon time and time again now that there’s some popularity behind it. Given how parts of the run are somewhat reliant on chance, there’s likely a better path that’s more reproducible that runners will find soon, or perhaps high-risk alternatives that can slash times if the right dice roll is achieved.

Given how popular a choice it’s been since its reveal prior to launch, it’s a wonder that a sub-category focusing on how quickly a player can sleep with a bear doesn’t exist. Yet.

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About Alessandro Barbosa

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