Battlefield 2042 Features 128 Players, Trailer And October Release Date Revealed

Battlefield 2042 has been officially revealed as the name of the game formerly known (unofficially) as Battlefield 6. The new entry in DICE’s first-person shooter series is an all-multiplayer game with no traditional campaign, and it’s coming to PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. A new reveal trailer teases the first details about the game, which has a release date of October 22, 2021. [Update: DICE has also released a look at Battlefield 2042’s gameplay, showcasing a bunch of its new elements in a 128-player match.]

You can watch the trailer below, which zeroes in on Battlefield’s near-future setting and a whole lot of the gadgets that’ll be at your disposal in the game. (It doesn’t feature gameplay, which will instead premiere during the Xbox E3 press conference on June 13.) First and foremost is a wingsuit, but as the trailer goes on, we quickly get a look at helicopters, fighter jets, robotic dogs, and more.

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Now Playing: Battlefield 2042 – Official Cinematic Reveal Trailer

DICE gave GameSpot an early look at Battlefield 2042 that provided a huge amount of information about the game. For instance, we know this new Battlefield will be multiplayer-only, and that on PlayStation 5, PC, and Xbox Series X|S, it’s going to feature engagements that support as many as 128 players per match–twice what’s possible on PS4 and Xbox One.

The game is set in the near future, as the title suggests, after climate disasters have destroyed dozens of nations. That’s caused a huge influx of soldiers without countries, who are pulled into a worldwide conflict between the US and Russia. We also got a look at a few of Battlefield 2042’s maps, which center on conflicts in Qatar, India, Egypt, South Korea, and Antarctica, to name a few. You can get a glimpse of some of these maps in the trailer, including the ice fields of Antarctica, a rocket launch facility in French Guiana, and a shifting shipping yard in Singapore.

In addition to bigger maps, bigger matches, and more vehicles, Battlefield 2042 will also have extreme weather events that can change the tenor of a battle, or even through matches into total chaos. The end of the trailer shows one of those storms–a huge tornado that picks up and throws objects, vehicles, and players. DICE says that with Battlefield 2042, it’s looking to create more “Battlefield moments” like a classic one depicted in the trailer, in which a fighter jet pilot leaps out of the cockpit to finish a dogfight with a rocket launcher. With “levolution” changes on maps, big player counts, and storms like the tornado, it looks like there should be plenty of possibilities.

Check out our full coverage of DICE’s rundown on Battlefield 2042, and don’t miss our trailer breakdown video that points out everything you might have missed in the reveal trailer. We also have the first details on the Battlefield 2042 beta.

About Phil Hornshaw

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