Battlefield 2042 Is Introducing A Limited-Time 24v24 Mode

EA has announced Arkangel Directive, a new limited-time event, will be coming to its shooter Battlefield 2042 as a part of a seasonal update. Its key feature is the new Control mode, which will be playable from July 11 at 5 PM PT/8 PM ET until July 25 at the same time.

According to a Battlefield blog post, in Arkangel Directive, you’ll play as a faction called the Arkangel Legion in Control, a 24v24 mode. This mode will be playable on three maps: Reclaimed, Orbital, and Valparaiso. You’ll be tasked with claiming satellites scattered across the maps, collecting data to upload, and earning points to win the match.

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Now Playing: Battlefield 2042 | Season 5: The Arkangel Directive Event Trailer

If you participate in Arkangel Directive, you’ll earn different in-game items based on which week you’re playing. For week one, you’ll be able to unlock:

Paradigm Shift (background)Final Sleep (charm)Force Fusion (weapon skin)

While for week two, you can unlock the following:

Expendable (background)Interneural (headgear)Binary Charge (weapon skin)

In addition to unlocking exclusive items, the in-game store will rotate between new bundles for you to buy that are themed around the new event. In Control, both teams must control a series of satellites, and once they capture one, they have to protect it until it’s finished uploading data. Once reach rounds of uploads are complete, another satellite appears, and the more you control, the more points you’ll earn. As the match goes on, there’ll be fewer satellites, leading both teams to face off in smaller areas.

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About Luis Joshua Gutierrez

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