Battlefield 2042 May Add Cross-Play, Tech Test Delayed, Map Changes For Last-Gen Detailed

Battlefield 2042 developer DICE has published an in-depth FAQ on its website, and included in the blog post are details around the studio’s plans for cross-play and cross-progression, along with more information on the differences in content between console generations.

DICE has confirmed that it is examining the possibility of adding cross-play for Battlefield 2042, though it’s not confirmed as feature for the game yet. “We can confirm it’s a function we’re looking to build and test,” the studio said. As a result of this, DICE has delayed the upcoming Battlefield 2042 technical test to later in the summer so it can test cross-play.

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This technical test will include “a few thousand” people, and DICE will notify people by email if they’ve been a selected. A more expansive open beta is coming later.

Cross-play in the technical test will come in two buckets, and you can opt out from playing against people on PC, thankfully. Here’s the breakdown:

PC, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5 consoles (PC and console can opt-out from playing together)Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles

DICE is also planning cross-progression and cross-commerce for Battlefield 2042. This means all your progress and any content you might buy on one platform (Xbox, PlayStation, or PC) will move with you if you play on a different system.

The FAQ also clarifies that Battlefield 2042’s new weather events, including tornadoes and EMP storms, will be available on all platforms, not just next-gen consoles and PC. Players on PS4/Xbox One will have matches capped at 64 players (compared to 128 on next-gen and PC), while maps on PS4/Xbox One have seen “adjustments to the playable area,” DICE said.

Additionally, the FAQ covers AI soldiers who will populate Battlefield 2042 matches in some circumstances. AI soldiers are being used to fill servers, and you cannot opt out of playing with them. However, DICE said there will be a cap on AI soldiers in a given match, and in general it will not eclipse the number of real human players in a match.

In one example that DICE provided, if a match has 120 out of 128 players, AI soldiers will join to balance the teams. If a human player drops out during a match, an AI player will take their place until another human joins.

AI soldiers won’t be as capable as human players, however. They cannot use Battlefield 2042’s various traits and specialities, and they can’t use the Wingsuit. They’re not idiots, however, as they can use the vehicle call-in system and capture objectives. “They do have the intelligence to decide between engaging with you via enemy fire, flanking, throwing grenades, or even reviving a downed squad mate,” DICE said.

The full FAQ is stacked with lots more details on what’s new in Battlefield 2042.

Battlefield 2042 launches in October as a multiplayer-only title, and we’re expecting to hear more about its

About Eddie Makuch

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