Battlefield 2042 Season 1 Delayed To Summer 2022 As DICE Promises To Improve The Game

Battlefield 2042 developer DICE has pledged to continue to update and improve the military shooter, saying in a blog post that the studio is committed to elevating the game to the “highest standards.” To that end, DICE has outlined its plans for the future of the game, and this includes delaying the launch of Season 1 to later in the year.

“We have heard you. So, we are heavily invested and committed to the future of Battlefield 2042–working on taking action on multiple fronts to address feedback and implement extensive fixes to the game, key features that are important to you, and getting team play where it needs to be,” DICE said.

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DICE said it needed to make “some big decisions” about Battlefield 2042’s ongoing live-service support, and this has resulted in a delay for the launch of Season 1 to early summer. “This decision gives us the time to focus on improving the Battlefield 2042 experience while finalizing the development of our seasonal content to ensure that it all reaches our standard for quality,” DICE said.

Battlefield 2042 players can look forward to several key new features being added to the game “as soon as possible,” including the updated Scoreboard. DICE is also planning to bring voice communication (VOIP) to Battlefield 2042 across all platforms, while a new “Player Profile” will be added to the game to help players see their achievements and progress faster.

DICE is also working on a “clearer, tighter squad loop” to help with team play, along with a “refined” ping system. Players can also look forward to an “improved reward loop” to help encourage people to play the objective. DICE is also looking at making further changes to weapon balance, while other changes for Specialists and the Portal mode are in the works.

Additionally, DICE is changing how it communicates with fans. “We are also going to clarify the direction we’re taking, and what’s motivating our decisions to bring improvements to the game. So expect to get more insight as we expand our existing feedback loops to involve you, our players, more directly,” DICE said.

Here is an outline of how DICE will communicate with fans going forward:

We will present specific, major focus areas to you along with our current thinking, detailing where we’re planning to make changes.We’ll then take the time to observe and listen to the conversations that you go on to have about both the area of concern and our proposals for adjustment.Later, you’ll hear from us on the topic again but this time your feedback will have been factored into our consideration and guided the decisions made for improvements.

In general, DICE said its overarching goal is to better explain the studio’s reasoning behind any changes it makes to Battlefield 2042. “We want you to see more of the big picture of where we’re going and incorporate more of what we’’e already hearing to ensure that our work is meaningful to you,” DICE said.

As for Battlefield 2042 Season 1, it will be the first of four seasons coming to the game in the space of 12 months. Players can expect four new Specialists, new maps, and “more completely new content.” For those who purchased the gold or Ultimate editions, DICE is giving out an exclusive bundle featuring skins, a melee weapon, and a player card to make up for the Season 1 delay. You can see what’s in the bundle through the image below.

“We are committed to, and focused on, ensuring Battlefield 2042 lives up to our ambitions and your expectations–it’s a task we’re dedicated to accomplishing,” DICE said.

Despite Battlefield 2042’s struggles, the game was the fifth best-selling game of 2021 in the US, though EA has not announced a specific sales figure for the game.

About Eddie Makuch

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