Battlefield 2042 Update 2.1 Brings Big Changes To Renewal And More

Battlefield 2042 update 2.1 is launching today, September 27, bringing with it a reworked version of Renewal, a new buggy, and more.

The first update for season two of Battlefield 2042 is out today, and has a whole range of changes and fixes, as well as some major improvements to the map Renewal. One of the big changes for Renewal, in order to improve the infantry and close-quarter combat experience, is that flags and objectives are now much closer to each other. Entire sections of the map that the team felt broke the game flow or were too far away have been removed too.

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You should find better opportunities for cover as there are more military fortifications, and the terrain has been altered too. The full patch notes go into more detail about the different areas of the map that have received specific changes.

As part of the update, the Polaris RZR, a lightweight buggy, is now available as an in-world vehicle. There are four new vault weapons too, which you might recognise if you’ve played Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2, which you can find in the All-Out Warfare arsenal. These weapons include the P90 from Battlefield 3, as well as the GOL Sniper Magnum and M1911 from Bad Company 2. You’ll be able to get them at your own pace through the new Assignment system.

The changelog has noted a large number of fixes, additions, and tweaks. A variety of visual bugs related to the HUD and other instances of gameplay have been fixed, and the Battlefield Portal has received a number of fixes and adjustments to “resolve issues with assets and collision across classic era maps.”

The Rules Editor has added a range of options, like an audio asset library and a world icons asset library.

You can check out some of the fixes that have taken place for Renewal and other maps too, with adjustments for maps like Discarded, Kaleidoscope, and Exposure all receiving some changes.

Battlefield 2042 had a bit of a rocky launch and has struggled to fully recover since its release last year. Vince Zampella, overall boss of Battlefield at EA, recently shared his thoughts on what went wrong with the series, noting that some of the game’s ideas were too ambitious and “strayed a little too far from what Battlefield is.” But that isn’t putting a stop to the multiple Battlefield “experiences” coming, including a narrative project being led by Halo co-creator Marcus Lehto at his new studio Ridgeline, and another project at Battlefield Portal developer Ripple Effect.

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About Oisin Kuhnke

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