Battlefield 2042's Long-Requested Scoreboard Update Is Getting Delayed

DICE has delayed Battlefield 2042‘s next big update–the one that includes a brand-new Scoreboard–until next week. In a forum post, DICE announced that the 3.3 patch (which was previously scheduled to arrive this week) was now delayed so that the team was “best positioned to support in case of any issues that might have cropped up over the weekend.”

Connected to this, DICE said Battlefield 2042’s already-paused Weekly Missions will remain on hold for this week. Next week’s 3.3 update will reintroduce them.

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As for what’s in Battlefield 2042’s 3.3 update, it includes the “refreshed” Scoreboard UI, which is something fans had been asking for since launch last year. The new Scoreboard will show both deaths and kills, as well as a snapshot of how each team is performing and specifically the points leaders on each side.

“Thank you for your feedback and suggestions on this, it’s deeply appreciated by us all,” DICE said.

The lack of a fleshed-out Scoreboard at launch in 2021 was one of the loudest pieces of criticisms for Battlefield 2042 from fans. Players were left scratching their heads as to why such a Scoreboard wasn’t included when previous games had one.

Additionally, the 3.3 update for Battlefield 2042 will introduce the Steadfast Exclusive Legendary Bundle as a free reward for people who bought one of the game’s more expensive editions to make up for Season 1’s delay.

The 3.3 patch also includes “a small range of additional fixes,” and these and more will be shared next week when the full patch notes are released.

Battlefield 2042 failed to reach EA’s sales expectations, but it still finished 2021 as the fifth best-selling game overall in the US. EA management believes the game will succeed over the long run.

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About Eddie Makuch

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