Battlefield 6 Appears To Tease Kazakhstan Location

It appears EA has teased Battlefield 6’s setting as Kazakhstan, at least according to GPS coordinates spotted by a fan. This would be a unique change from the settings we’ve seen from many of the past games, but will players find it very nice?

As reported by Battlefield YouTuber DANNYonPC (via a now-deleted Reddit post), the location’s teaser was hidden in plain sight: on the nose of a 3D-rendered character model during a Battlefield tech demo shared at EA Play 2020 and on the medallion of a legendary Battlefield 5 outfit called Eidolon that can only be unlocked by completing a secret challenge.

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Allegedly, the numbers located on these two spots pull up a nondescript place in Kazakhstan when plugged into a GPS coordinator. Kazakhstan is a rather large country with a population of approximately 18 million people, making it one of the 10 biggest countries in the world.

EA and DICE have been relatively quiet regarding Battlefield 6, though a reveal for the game is planned for this spring. The publisher also announced that a Need for Speed title has been delayed to 2022 so developer Criterion Games can assist on Battlefield 6’s development.

About jeremy winslow

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