Bidoof Is Taking Over All Things Pokemon For Bidoof Day, And There Is No Escape

Bidoof, the goofy, not-very-useful Normal type Pokemon that is the franchise’s riff on a “plump mouse,” is now in control for what has been unilaterally declared “Bidoof Day.” It’s best to bow before your new Bidoof overlord.

The creature is everywhere, and I mean literally everywhere. There are swarms of the creatures today in Pokemon Go, and Bidoof is currently featured in the game’s Legendary Raid battles. A new Bidoof research event, which presents a branching questline where players can choose between “Bidoof!” or “Bidoof…?” will give players different objectives and, should players make it all the way to the final task, will reward a Bidoof-themed hat for their avatar.

Not even the official Pokemon Twitch channel is safe, as it will be streaming a full day’s worth of Bidoof content. There are Bidoof bonuses in the Pokemon Trading Card Game Online which include Bidoof-themed deck boxes and card sleeves. Mondo is selling a special, limited-time Bidoof Day print. And a new line of Bidoof-themed items are hitting Pokemon Center stores in the United States and Canada, starting today.

There is no escape, and the Pokemon Company knows this. It’s why it released a “special announcement” that can only be described as a Bidoof-roll. Rick Astley’s infamous “Never Gonna Give You Up” is now a song about Bidoof. Once you listen, you can never forget.

“This Pokemon can’t do much, you know the rules and so do I,” the song goes. “It’s barely capable of standing up, but it’s our buddy and here’s some reasons why.”

You don’t really have a choice. You are either Bidoof’s “buddy” or Bidoof’s enemy. It’s time to pick a side. Bidoof Day isn’t just a special holiday, it’s a way of life. Bidoof is eternal. Long live Bidoof.

About Cameron Koch

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