Borderlands 3 Broken Hearts Day Event Begins This Week

February’s a romantic month, and to celebrate Borderlands 3 will be joining in on the festivities with the return of its Broken Hearts Day event. Much like last year’s event, players will be tasked by Maurice the Sentient Saurian to travel the galaxy, find love, and possibly even some sweet loot.

Maurice’s research on human courting rituals has resulted in enemies spawning floating hearts which when destroyed, add positive buffs to players such as increased health regeneration, a higher chance of obtaining rare loot or turning the floor around enemies into lava puddles. Broken Hearts Day will be live from 12:00 PM PT today and will run until February 25.

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A number of gear adjustments have also been added in the latest hotfix, which buffs damage to Legendary weapons such as Kaoson, Garcia, and Impaler. Today’s hotfix also brings the Gear Rush mini-event to an end.

Gear adjustments


Increased weapon damage


Lowered the chance that the weapon would drop on reload

Bouncing Pair Grenade Mod

Increased damage


Increased weapon damage


Updated weapon to fire correctly in multiplayer. Players will notice that the weapon will now only fire two shots before reloading in both solo and co-opIncreased weapon damage


Increased damage dealt

Void Rift

Increased Spike damageIncreased Black Hole singularity damage

Black Hole

Increased damage dealt

It has been an interesting couple of days for Borderlands 3 developer Gearbox. Having joined the Embracer group in a $1.3 billion acquisition deal, Gearbox still plans to continue and publish the Borderlands series alongside 2K Games. Borderlands 3’s Designer’s Cut update launches in March, adding a new series of murder mystery levels and a raid boss challenge amongst other cosmetic additions.

The cult-classic Tales From The Borderlands will also return to digital stores on February 17, and if you’re looking to jump into Gearbox’s weird universe of vaults and bandits now’s a good time to do so as Borderlands 3 is heavily discounted this month.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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