Bungie Holiday Sale Gives You A Chance To Win Sold-Out Destiny 2 Collector's Edition

In the run-up to the holidays and the release of its 30th Anniversary expansion for Destiny 2, developer Bungie has been running a sale on its store called Gjallardays. Named for the vaunted arrival of Gjallarhorn, a Destiny 1 favorite, in Destiny 2, the Gjallardays event is like an advent calendar of Bungie sales and Destiny 2 freebies–as well as a chance to win stuff.

Today’s entry in the Gjallardays advent calendar doesn’t provide anything free, per se. Today, tweeting about the Gjallardays event before 8:59 AM PT / 11:59 AM ET on December 1 enters you into a sweepstakes to win the Collector’s Edition version of the upcoming Destiny 2 expansion, The Witch Queen. You can find the full details on the Gjallardays site.

The Witch Queen Collector’s Edition is a pretty impressive item, if you’re a big enough Destiny 2 nerd. The set has been sold out pretty much since it was first announced back in August, and comes with a host of both physical and digital items.

Here’s what’s packed into the Collector’s Edition:

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Digital SoundtrackThe Psychometer Replica with lights and soundsLucent Hive Ghost Replica with standThe Hidden ID BadgeLenticular Reveal CardThe Hidden DossierPlus Exclusive Collector’s Edition Emblems

If you’re unfamiliar with Destiny 2 expansion Collector’s Editions, they can be pretty cool–especially if you’re a big lore nerd. The Beyond Light Collector’s Edition included a journal by game lore character Clovis Bray, detailing how he created the Exos and ultimately nearly got his body hijacked by sentient alien robots. In the Shadowkeep Collector’s Edition, you could find messages from Eris Morn that gave a deeper look at the events happening in the game.

Most notably, though, both editions included physical items that were more than just decorative stuff for your desk. The Shadowkeep included the Cryptoglyph, a puzzle box that contained a hidden message that was also part of a huge, community wide alternate reality game. A similar ARG was part of the Beyond Light Collector’s Edition, so it’s safe to assume there are secrets hidden with the upcoming set as well. So you’re not only going for a chance to win some weird Destiny 2 stuff you can keep in your house with this Gjallardays giveaway, you’re also getting a chance to delve into some secrets with the rest of the extremely tuned-in Destiny community.

Even if you’re not keen on tweeting about Destiny stuff, it’s worth dipping into the Gjallardays site for the next week or so to see what’s on offer. Bungie has already provided a free PDF version of its latest Grimoire Anthology, which, if you like Destiny lore, you should absolutely snag. The anthologies are curated collections of Destiny 2 lore tidbits found scattered throughout the game, and they always give context–and sometimes clues–for upcoming stories. The fourth volume of the anthology is free through Gjallardays, and focuses on Awoken queen Mara Sov and the Hive’s god, the Taken King Oryx, who players defeated back in Destiny 1. The fact a bunch of Oryx lore shows up in this latest book seems…relevant to the future, let’s say.

About Phil Hornshaw

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