Bungie Is Adjusting A Destiny 2 Weapon Type Sooner Than Expected

Bungie was planning to roll out some changes to Destiny 2’s Linear Fusion Rifles as part of its upcoming Season 19, but the developer has decided to fast-track them with a hotfix. While the full patch notes will be available on Tuesday, it’s pretty clear that these changes represent a fairly substantial nerf for these precision laser rifles.

According to Bungie, these Linear Fusion Rifle shifts include increasing the flinch and settle type in PvP, reducing the settle time in PvE, and reducing the aim-assist cone size for special ammo. This essentially means that these rifles will be slightly more difficult to use in PvP, as getting hit will scramble your aim more than it used to. However, these weapons should be slightly easier to use in PvE.

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As the Destiny 2 subreddit shows, this is apparently a follow-up to a recent change that affected the flinch of sniper rifles, but not Linear Fusion Rifles. The response to the patch seems mostly positive, as players consider two LFRs–Arbalest and Lorentz–to be overpowered in the current PvP meta, since they’re capable of one-shotting unaware opponents with a well-placed headshot.

In other Destiny 2 news, the game is getting a new dungeon on December 9. We also heard recently that a significant number of PS5 Destiny players are actually using the PS4 version of the game, presumably by accident.

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