Bungie Is Changing This Weekend's Destiny 2 Trials Of Osiris Map, Thanks To An Exploit

The Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2 is already extremely tough, and that’s before players learn how to exploit certain maps to make it extremely difficult to kill them. Such an exploit exists on this weekend’s Trials map, Fragment, and as a result, Bungie is changing the map for the duration of the weekend.

Bungie made the announcement on Twitter, although it didn’t provide too many details about what to expect for Trials for the rest of the weekend.

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So we know when to expect a new map– 9 AM PT on Saturday–but not what that map will be. In the meantime, you can still play Trials on Fragment if you so choose, although it sounds like it’s risky, since players utilizing the exploit to get out of the map are likely to have a distinct advantage over those who do.

Things have been rough in Destiny 2 and Trials for a lot of this season, partially because of issues with the mode and partially because players are struggling to come to grips with the new Stasis abilities added with the Beyond Light expansion. The weekend multiplayer mode was disabled for more than a month after the launch of Beyond Light on November 10, due to an issue Bungie didn’t elaborate on. And in its most recent update, Bungie cut back on the damage protection and effective range of Shatterdive, an ability that players had complained was too powerful and was offsetting player-vs.-player mode balance.

Players tend to take that balance very seriously, especially when it comes to the Trials of Osiris. The multiplayer mode is only available on weekends and puts players into the toughest PvP challenge in Destiny 2. To excel, players need to win matches on a single map, with a goal of trying to win seven in a row with no losses. Doing so constitutes a “flawless” Trials run and earns successful players some of the best loot in the game.

About Phil Hornshaw

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