Bungie Reveals Season 18 Artifact Mods And Compatibility With Arc 3.0

Ahead of Destiny 2’s Season 18 launch next week, Bungie gave players a preview of seasonal Artifact mods they can apply to their gear. With Arc 3.0 arriving with the new season, the news post discussed ways these mods will be compatible with the new subclass upgrades.

“We’ve got a lot of love for Machine Guns, and with the weapon meta featuring them heavily with the new Season”, the TWAB post says. It explains how the quick-paced Arc 3.0 meant including mods such as Holster, Scavenger, and Loader available earlier in the seasonal Artifact. Players will also see new mods such as Bad Amplitude, Hype Train Conductor, and Trace Evidence that work with the new Arc abilities–the mod description will make more sense after seeing the Arc 3.0 Aspects and Fragments.

The entire list of Season 18 Artifact mods includes:

First row for the Arms:

Overload BowsUnstoppable Pulse RiflesAnti-Barrier Scout RiflesAnti-Barrier Auto RiflesUnstoppable Shotguns

Second row after two perks:

Scout Rifle Loader for ArmsSword Ammo Scavenger for LegsMachine Gun Holster for LegsScout and Sniper Targeting for HelmetBottomless Bounty 1 for Helmet: This improves two Origin traits.

Third row after four perks:

Glaive Loader for ArmsFocusing Strike for Arms: Dealing damage with the melee ability gives class ability energy.Combo Arc + Solar Resist for ChestMachine Gun Ammo Scavenger for LegsBottomless Bounty 2 for Helmet: This improves two Origin traits.

Fourth row after eight perks:

Overload LMG for Arms: The TWAB explains, “Uninterrupted fire from equipped Machine Guns will stun enemies with a beam that delays energy regeneration and reduces enemy damage output. Strong against Overload Champions.”Anti-Barrier Snipers for ArmsBad Amplitude for Class item: Dealing damage to a Champion with Arc abilities causes that Champion to become jolted.Surge Detectors for Class itemInferno Whip for Class item

Fifth and final row for the Class item after 10 perks:

Thunderous Retort: While critical or amplified, Arc Supers will deal more damage.Hype Train Conductor: This stacks +2 seconds to the amplified timer.Trace Evidence: Landing precision shots on Arc debuffed enemies generate Ionic Traces.Lightning Strikes TwiceSundering Glare

Along with the new seasonal story, mods, and subclass changes coming next week on August 23, Bungie’s Destiny 2 showcase is set for that day, too. Besides getting a downpour of information, players can also obtain a new free cosmic Starbirth emblem by watching the live showcase on Twitch. To get the emblem, log in to your Bungie profile and connect your Twitch account. You’ll need to tune into at least 30 minutes of the stream to get this Twitch drop.

Meanwhile, check out everything we know so far about the upcoming Season 18 changes. Also, head to the H.E.L.M. for Season of the Haunted’s final story bit and reward if you haven’t already.

About Saniya Ahmed

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