Bungie Says It's Expanding Destiny 2 Into Other Media

There’s more Destiny 2 on the horizon, it seems. Bungie is making moves with its huge MMO game, and while we know Bungie intends to continue to support and expand Destiny 2 for at least another two years, the company also says it’s looking for ways to expand Destiny 2 into other media.

Bungie put out a press release discussing its plans for 2021, which include expanding its headquarters, pursuing new intellectual property, and more Destiny. The release states that Bungie is nearly doubling the size of its headquarters in Bellevue, Washington, and means to use the space to develop new games, as well as to continue to support Destiny 2.

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“In addition to building state-of-the-art facilities to support the growth and development of their talented employees, one of the primary drivers of Bungie’s expansion is to increase the commitment to the long-term development of Destiny 2, tell new stories in the Destiny Universe, and create entirely new worlds in to-be-announced IPs,” the release reads.

The bit about telling “new stories in the Destiny Universe” gets a little more expansion a little later in the release. Bungie says it’s planning to expand Destiny into “additional media,” although it doesn’t offer many more details about what that means. Apparently, though, Destiny 2’s two big bosses, Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy, have been working to prepare Destiny for this expansion.

“To expand the Destiny IP and bring new stories and experiences to their highly engaged community, Bungie appointed Mark Noseworthy (Vice President, Destiny Universe) and Luke Smith (Executive Creative Director, Destiny Universe) to oversee and prepare for the expansion of the Destiny Universe into additional media. Justin Truman (General Manager, Destiny 2) takes over the successful development leadership of Destiny 2.”

What’s unclear is whether that means leadership of the entire Destiny 2 game is passing to Truman, or if he’s just in charge of the expansion of Destiny 2 into additional media–we’ve reached out to Bungie for clarification.

Generally, though, it sounds like Bungie has a lot of additional plans for Destiny 2. When it was under the Activision umbrella, the developer previously licensed the Destiny IP for merchandise, but we haven’t seen any additional storytelling outside the game and Bungie’s own releases, like its Grimoire Anthology lore books. Bungie has also announced its definitive plans for Destiny 2’s trajectory over the next two years, with two more expansions–The Witch Queen and Lightfall–releasing in 2021 and 2022. This might be some indication that there’s more planned for Destiny 2 beyond 2022, but we’ll have to wait and see what that is.

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