Bungie Wins $4.3 Million In Case Against Destiny 2 Cheat Seller

Cheating in multiplayer games ruins the experience for everyone, yet online cheat-sellers always seem to find more customers. Destiny 2 developer Bungie is the latest studio to take legal action against these sites, recently winning a $4.3 million award against purveyor AimJunkies in arbitration.

As reported by TorrentFreak, AimJunkies and its parent company Phoenix Digital Group tried to argue that cheating isn’t inherently illegal, and that the copyright infringement claims were without merit. Though a judge sided with AimJunkies in a May 2022 hearing, the recent arbitration case was a near-total win for Bungie, resulting in the $4.3 million in damages and fees mentioned above.

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In that decision, Judge Ronald Cox sided with Bungie, asserting that AimJunkies violated the DMCA in circumventing Destiny 2’s anti-cheat measures. Developer James May, who created the software for AimJunkies, provided testimony that proved crucial to the decision, stating that he reverse-engineered the tools from Destiny 2 itself, and bypassed several bans in order to continue his work.

Bungie is currently involved in several ongoing legal cases, including several against cheat-sellers and one against a Destiny YouTuber who is accused of impersonating the company in order to send DMCA strikes to fellow content creators.

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