Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War April 23 Patch Notes Adds Weapon Tuning, Double XP, And More

Season 3 just launched yesterday for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, but Treyarch already released a new update today, which includes some weapon tuning and error fixes for the game. The patch notes also detail some new additions in the Zombies Outbreak mode.

The weapon tuning adds buffs for the AK-74u submachine gun, and there are changes for the Patrol Grip Underbarrel attachment for all submachine guns and the QBZ-83 assault rifle.

The patch notes for Outbreak actually detail things already found in the game yesterday, with the addition of the new Aether Tool that helps you upgrade your weapon rarity faster, and the new mohawk zombie type that has the potential to drop a Ray Gun when killed. These features come alongside the new ability to add elemental upgrades to the D.I.E Shockwave in Outbreak.

This update arrives with the start of Black Ops Cold War’s free access week and a double XP event. Players across all platforms will have free access to multiplayer content and the Outbreak Zombies mode from now until 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET on April 28.

How To Play During Free Access Week:

Console players can visit their console’s store to see a “Free Trial” option for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War to download. Just search for ‘Cold War Free Trial’ on your console’s store.

For PC players on, there will be an option to “Play Free” on the client when loaded into the Black Ops Cold War tab. This should start the download, and then you’ll have access to the free trial.

Double XP Event

The double XP and Weapon XP event will be live in Black Ops Cold War from now until 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET on April 26.

You can see the full patch notes below, as listed by Treyarch.


Addressed an issue where the player could see UI Error 95650 or 22241 when switching to the Weapons tab in the Multiplayer or Zombies menu while playing offline.Addressed an issue where the player could see UI Error 61712 when entering the Campaign menu.Addressed “Showcase Weapon” issues when equipping certain weapons.Updated map description text for Yamantau and Diesel.


Added “Delete” option for Custom Mods.


Fixed a rare crash related to the destruction of vehicles.



Submachine GunsAK-74uIncreased base sprint speed to align with other SMG sprint speeds.Increased shooting move speed and reload sprint speed.Attachments (All SMGs)Patrol Grip UnderbarrelSlightly reduced sprint speed bonus for Patrol Grip Underbarrel for SMGs to match Pistol sprint speed.Assault RiflesQBZ-83AttachmentsPatrol Grip UnderbarrelAdded a sprint to fire bonus for the Patrol Grip Underbarrel.Slightly reduced the Patrol Grip sprint speed bonus.Attachments (Assault Rifles, Tactical Rifles, Sniper Rifles)Speedgrip UnderbarrelSlightly reduced sprint speed bonus for the Speedgrip Underbarrel on Assault Rifles, Tactical Rifles, and Sniper Rifles to ensure SMGs maintain a faster sprint speed when using the same attachment.

Developer’s note: The overall goal of these changes is to ensure that SMGs are faster to use than assault rifles by default. The AK-74u required some slight speed increases in order to bring it in-line with the rest of its class, and sprint speed bonuses for the Speedgrip Underbarrel on assault rifles, tactical rifles, and sniper rifles required an adjustment to ensure SMGs are faster to sprint with compared to these classes when using this attachment.


Reduced the time that it takes to transition out of a slide to a standing position.Made adjustments to the delay when transitioning between crouch and stand.


Search & DestroyReduced volume of the audio stingers when a player is eliminated.



GameplayAmmo Mod and Aether Tool item drops can now be discovered in Outbreak.Launchers can now lock onto Special and Elite enemies.Added a new enemy that can drop a Ray Gun when killed. Keep an eye out for the pink mohawk…

Dead Ops Arcade 3

GameplayAddressed an error where split-screen players could get a “Game Over” screen after defeating the Mamaback.Addressed an issue where enemies not dying after a failed Room of Judgment event could cause unwanted player deaths or game-overs.ChallengesAddressed an issue where the “Full Arsenal” Challenge could not be completed after fully upgrading all seven weapons in a single match.


Added a crash fix related to Exfil.

About S.E. Doster

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