Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Dev Issues Warning About File Size On 500GB PS4

The big new Season 2 update for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is finally here, and as we’ve come to expect from the series, it’s a massive download. The patch is so large that people on a standard PS4 model might need to clear up some space if they want to install it. That is if they can even download all of it at all.

Treyarch said in a blog post that PS4 players with a standard 500 GB model “may need to make room” if they already have the full versions of Modern Warfare/Warzone and Black Ops Cold War installed, along with all of their related modes.

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Now Playing: Black Ops Cold War & Warzone – Official Season Two Gameplay Trailer

If players have those games installed, and they’ve remained patched to their latest versions, Activision warned that “you may need to” delete parts of the game to install the new Season 2 update.

Thankfully, this is possible, even if it’s not exactly an ideal situation. Activision laid out exactly how to do this in a blog post, depending on your specific situation–here’s the gist:

Black Ops Cold War: At the main menu, press R3 to go to “File Management.” You will then be able to delete any content you may not have played in a while. The exact content to choose can be found in the Storage Management article linked below.Modern Warfare/Warzone: At the main menu, press Options, select the “General” tab, then scroll down to “Game Installs.” From here, you can delete any content you have not played in a while.

Activision also reminded players that the Warzone download specifically is not required if you only play Black Ops Cold War, or the other way around. What’s more, the Call of Duty games allow players to uninstall and remove parts of the game to help free up space. For example, if you’ve already completed the Black Ops Cold War campaign and only want to play multiplayer, you can delete the campaign to free up space.

Activision has an in-depth blog post that you can read here that covers the full specifics on storage management to help make sure you have the space to install new updates.

The big Season 2 update for Black Ops Cold War adds new multiplayer maps and modes, more Operators, and a new Battle Pass with 100 tiers of items to work through. There are also big changes to Warzone.

For more on Outbreak and Zombies specifically, check out GameSpot’s new interview with the developers from Treyarch who answered our burning questions.

About Eddie Makuch

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