Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Patch Notes — Outbreak Bugs Squashed

Treyarch has released a new update for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, and almost all of it addresses issues players have encountered since Outbreak launched with Season 2. The ambitious new mode is a large-scale spin on Zombies, complete with its own story, so it’s hardly surprising that some rough edges needed to be fixed.

Outbreak received a general stability improvement as part of the update, particularly regarding objectives and both the Krasny Soldat and the Dragon Relic. You also shouldn’t see Mimics teleport away after they’re spawned from loot chests, nor should the HVT Megaton split when it’s hit by a vehicle.

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Now Playing: Black Ops Cold War & Warzone – Official Season Two OUTBREAK Gameplay Trailer

A few other fixes were also included in the update, such as UI and tooltips not showing up correctly, and a player’s Operator model disappearing. It’s not the largest update we’ve seen in Call of Duty, but we got one of those just a few days ago. In fact, the file sizes for both Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone have gotten so large that players with 500GB PS4 systems may struggle to keep the games installed. This is especially true if they’re interested in playing anything else, as some of that 500GB is needed for the console’s operating system and can’t be used to store games.

Full patch notes for the update are below.



Addressed various UI issues with tooltips and metadata not appearing correctly.

After Action Report

Addressed an issue with the Naga animated Calling Card displaying incorrectly.



Addressed a rare issue where a player’s Operator model could unintentionally appear invisible.



Player rank can no longer display as “Rank 0” after completing Placement Matches and processing rank.



StabilityAdded various stability fixes for issues with Objectives, the Krasny Soldat, and the Dragon Relic.GameplayClosed an exploit where the player could exit the Holdout Objective prematurely in Golova.EnemiesAddressed an issue where the Mimic would teleport away after spawning from a Loot Chest.Addressed an issue where the HVT Megaton would not split if hit by a vehicle.

About Gabe Gurwin

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