Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Warzone Update Fixes Map Issues, Full Patch Notes Revealed

Developer Treyarch has dropped a new update for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone that kicks off the double XP weekend event. Alongside the event, the update also addresses some issues with two of the game’s maps. The full patch notes are outlined below.

The headliner of the latest patch is the kick-off of a double XP weekend event. From now until March 1, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone players can earn double XP and double weapon XP. This event coincides with Season Two’s launch, which has officially begun.

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Elsewhere in the update are adjustments to two maps. On Raid, players can no longer stand outside of the intended play zones around the basketball court. Checkmate, meanwhile, has been fixed so that players can’t capture the P3 Hardpoint zone outside of its boundary.

Prop Hunt has been added to both the Apocalypse pool and February 25’s featured playlist.

The last point to mention is Black Ops Cold War’s Zombies mode, which gets several quality-of-life updates in this patch. This includes fixes for stability issues related to things like hellhounds and objectives, ironing out problems with progression, implementing gameplay updates like better enemy pathing, and addressing issues with the user interface.

This update comes just in time for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s multiplayer and Zombies free trial period. Those interested in playing the latest Call of Duty title can jump into a handful of modes until March 4 on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

CoD: Black Ops Cold War, Warzone Patch Notes (February 26)


Events:2XP + XWXP Weekend Double XP and Double Weapon XP now live in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone through 10 AM PT Monday, March 1st.Performance:Addressed framerate performance issues on all platforms since Season Two launch.


Maps:Raid Addressed an issue that allowed players to stand outside of the intended play space outside of the basketball court.Checkmate Addressed an issue that allowed players to capture the P3 Hartpoint zone outside of the boundary.Modes:Prop Hunt Added Prop Hunt to Featured Playlist (Feb. 25).Added Apocalypse on Prop Hunt map pool.After Action Report:Addressed an issue where both teams would display the same score in the After Action Report.

League Play

Menus/Lobby:Added the Outbreak Event tab to League Play.Added the Challenges tab to League Play.Re-enabled the Calling Cards tab in the Player Identity list in League Play.Addressed an issue where Tokens could not be redeemed from the League Play lobby.User Interface:Addressed an issue with the Rank 1 emblem being present in multiple locations before a player had completed Placement Matches.


Outbreak:Stability Addressed stability issues related to Objectives, Hellhounds, Plaguehounds, Trials Machine, and Dragon Relic.Added various crash fixes.Progression Addressed an issue that was resulting in lower-than-intended Outbreak Match bonus XP totals.Gameplay Addressed various enemy pathing issues.Addressed an issue that caused a loss of functionality for the parachute after going down from a fall.Field Upgrades Addressed an issue where the Aether Shroud Field Upgrade could lose its initial full charge during the Retrieve Objective.Support Closed an exploit that allowed the Death Machine to be used indefinitely.User Interface Addressed a UI error that would appear when pinging the Trials Computer.Weapons:Ray Gun Added a cap to the amount of splash damage the Ray Gun and other weapons can inflict on the player.

About jeremy winslow

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