Modern Warfare 3 arrives on November 10, and a new update on November 8 fully integrates the game into Call of Duty’s HQ launcher. Unfortunately, those wanting to still play Modern Warfare 2 will need to look a bit harder now.
As previously announced, Call of Duty is no longer using a separate application for each year’s game. All current games are now unified under a single app called the Call Of Duty HQ. This massive update has integrated Modern Warfare 3 into this HQ launcher, hitting players with a whopping 135GB update size on consoles.
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This update brings back Call of Duty’s Marvel-style cinematic intro, and it puts Modern Warfare 3 front and center of the game menu. You can see the individual playlists for MW3’s campaign, multiplayer, and Zombies, however, only the campaign is currently playable in early access.
Now, players looking to hop into a match of Modern Warfare 2 will need to load up the Call Of Duty HQ app and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the menus. Being forced to access Modern Warfare 2 this way is an annoying process that requires a few extra button presses and a forced delay as the application works to load up the MW2 menus.
It’s worth noting that today’s Call of Duty blog announces this update as a work-in-progress, saying, “We are continuing to work on fine-tuning Call of Duty HQ to optimize the player experience as we launch Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 later this week.”
This unified launcher is also likely the reason that Modern Warfare 3 doesn’t have a Platinum trophy on PlayStation 5.
You can find our full Modern Warfare 3 campaign review here. Call of Duty continues to reveal tons of new information before launch, including Modern Warfare 3’s complete weapon list, details on a new way to unlock attachments, and Gunsmith changes.
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