Call Of Duty Mobile Is Getting A Tournament Mode With Season 4

Call of Duty Mobile’s Season 4: Wild Dogs launched on April 27, and Activision has detailed the new Tournament Mode feature coming to Season 4 on May 6.

Season 4’s new Tournament Mode is separate to Call of Duty Mobile’s Ranked Play. While Ranked Play is for larger squads and determines qualification for the Call of Duty Mobile’s World Championship, Activision says Tournament Mode is meant for duos or solo competitors who want to prove their individual skill. It also gives players another outlet to practice in a competitive environment before climbing the Ranked Play ladder.

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Now Playing: Call of Duty: Mobile – Official Season 4: Wild Dogs Trailer

Players will be able to access Tournament Mode from the main Multiplayer lobby. It will have its own hub, which features a mode selection, leaderboards, and will show the player’s wins and losses during a tournament round.

Each tournament round will consist of four matches. These matches can be played on the following modes:

GunfightGunfight Team Deathmatch2v2 Team Deathmatch2v2 Kill ConfirmedFree For All

Winning matches will earn players Crowns, which is a tournament-exclusive currency for rewards. Those who win three matches will have a chance to earn double crowns, a dynamic Calling Card, and a special Tournament Crate for winning a fourth match. Players can play as many tournament rounds as they want to win that week’s rewards. Additionally, players will be able to choose to spend CoD Points for additional matches within a round.

However, Activision says the additional match purchases won’t affect the leaderboards. The publisher says a player’s leaderboard position is solely based on the number of wins, rewarding those who consistently win rounds regardless of extra match purchases.

Call of Duty Mobile’s Tournament Mode will run on a weekly reward cycle, and winning Crowns is how players will earn Milestone rewards, which is a mix of weapons, skins, and other cosmetic rewards.

Each week, a player’s Crowns will count towards Basic and Premium Milestone reward tracks, similar to how the battle pass system works. All players will receive the rewards in the Basic Milestone progression path, and can purchase the Premium Milestone reward track with COD Points.

The rewards continue to stack up in Tournament Mode with Leaderboard Rewards. While Milestone rewards are earned by accumulating crowns, the Tournament Leaderboard rewards are purely based on a player’s placement and number of wins compared to everyone else playing tournaments.

Leaderboard rewards:

The top 20% of all Tournament Mode players will earn a dynamic profile frameThe top 15% will earn that as well as a special character animationThe top 10% to earn all the above rewards plus a special title

The title for the top 10% gets upgraded for being among the Top 5%, Top 1%, and Top 1,000 on the leaderboards. Players who reach this coveted placement of Top 100 will also be able to earn CoD Points. Activision doesn’t reveal how much players will earn, but it says the CoD Point bonus is boosted significantly for players reaching Tournament Mode’s top 3 rankings in the world.

In addition to the upcoming Tournament Mode, Season 4: Wild Dogs also added a new battle pass, more maps, a new weapon, and more. Call of Duty Season 3: Classified Arms recently kicked off for Warzone and Vanguard, and there’s an upcoming event centered around a fight between Godzilla and King Kong.

About S.E. Doster

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