Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Is The Next $70 Game On PC

With today’s formal unveiling of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 comes an unfortunate bit of news: The new Call of Duty title will cost $70 on PC.

This announcement makes Modern Warfare 2 the next big game to join the ranks of this premium tier of AAA games on PC. Square Enix made waves last year when it announced that Final Fantasy VII Remake would be coming to PC for $70, since most AAA games on the platform continue to sell for $60. At the same time, Square also announced that Forspoken would be released on PC for the same price.

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So far, these three titles are the only confirmed games on the horizon pushing the $70 price on PC, a price that is becoming standardized on the current generation of consoles by publishers like 2K and Activision.

2K, the publisher behind the NBA 2K and Borderlands series, has recently sold installments in both franchises at $70 on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. Activision has locked the current-gen versions of recent Call of Duty titles, like last year’s Vanguard, behind cross-generation bundles that have cost players $70. EA also released last year’s Battlefield 2042 in a similarly priced cross-generation bundle.

PlayStation was among the first to pave the way for this new pricing, confirming early on that its first-party exclusives would sell for $70 on PS5 such as Demon’s Souls and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. While many expected Xbox to follow suit, it hasn’t budged on the $60 standard that has been in place for generations, opting instead to leverage the popularity of its Game Pass subscription to get games in the hands of players.

If you want to learn more about the game, check out GameSpot’s Modern Warfare 2 preview for a first look at the “new era” of Call of Duty it hopes to usher in. Modern Warfare 2 preorders are now live; it releases on October 28, 2022 and will be on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam.

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About Moises Taveras

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