Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Weapons And Cosmetics Will Carry Over To MW3

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is set to launch on November 10, and Activision has released a blog to detail what content players can expect to carry over from Modern Warfare 2. Weapons, operators, and more will transfer over to Modern Warfare 3, but there will be some restrictions in place. Here’s everything you need to know about Call of Duty’s “Carry Forward” content plan.

For the first time in Call of Duty history, a vast amount of content from a previous game will transfer or “carry forward” to the new title. Players will be able to use their arsenal of weapons unlocked in Modern Warfare 2, plus use a weapon pool specific to Modern Warfare 3.

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Of course, Activision says a small amount of content may be unavailable if gameplay offerings are different in the upcoming title, such as specific vehicles or equipment that may not be available in Modern Warfare 3. Additionally, the music (war tracks) from Modern Warfare 2 will not carry forward to the new game.

All unlocked operators and skins will carry forward into Modern Warfare 3, including those unlocked via challenge or purchased through bundles. The Modern Warfare 2 base operators will not be available in Modern Warfare 3 for those who don’t own the game.

For the weapon pool, all Modern Warfare 2 weapons will be available for Modern Warfare 3 players, although each weapon’s associated unlock challenge must be completed before it becomes accessible in the new game. Any blueprints also carry forward, and certain Modern Warfare 2 blueprints will be available via Store Bundles for purchase in Modern Warfare 3.

The publisher says Modern Warfare 3 players should expect the following base weaponry accessible in the Gunsmith, at launch:

An extensive and impressive number of Modern Warfare 3–specific Base weapons (not revealed yet)The Base weapons available at the launch of Modern Warfare 2 at the level you progressed them to in MW2. If you do not own MW2, the same MW2 Base weapons will be available in MW3, ready to be unlocked via a challenge, and leveled upAny Base weapons unlocked during a MW2 Season, Event, or other unlock challenge (e.g., the Tonfa Base Melee weapon, available only as part of the Vondel Event in Season 04)

Additionally, all Modern Warfare 2 attachments will be available in Modern Warfare 3 and can also be used on Modern Warfare 3 weapons, assuming they are attachable to the weapon in question. Weapon progression will also be shared between games. For example, leveling up the M4 in Modern Warfare 3 will also level up the weapon in Modern Warfare 2 and vice versa.

Players will even be able to keep all their fancy hard-earned camos. All weapon camos unlocked will carry forward into Modern Warfare 3. However, camos can only be applied to weapons from their specific game, meaning old camos can’t be equipped to Modern Warfare 3 guns, and Modern Warfare 3 camos can’t be applied to Modern Warfare 2 weapons. Players can expect a brand-new set of camo unlock challenges specifically for Modern Warfare 3’s arsenal of weapons.

While the music tracks won’t carry over, cosmetics such as weapon charms, stickers (including decals), emblems, and loading screens will carry forward to Modern Warfare 3.

The blog confirms that all of the Carry Forward content from Modern Warfare 2 will be available in both Warzone and Modern Warfare 3. Also, Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile will include shared progression across Modern Warfare 2, Warzone, and Modern Warfare 3. Activision says it intends to make all operators, weapons, blueprints, and cosmetic equipment accessible, as well as integrating player level, battle pass access, and weapon progression among these games, but more info will be revealed closer to the worldwide launch of Warzone Mobile.

Activision will reveal Modern Warfare 3 inside Warzone on August 17. Make sure to check out everything we know so far about Modern Warfare 3, including multiplayer rumors and leaks.

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About S.E. Doster

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