Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's Next Beta Requires Xbox Live Gold, But Not PS Plus

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2‘s open beta for all players is set to go live on September 24 and will run through to September 26, but it seems Xbox players will need Xbox Live Gold before they can play.

While the game’s next beta is set to go live this weekend, it looks like Xbox users will actually be required to have an Xbox Live Gold subscription in order to take part in the event, despite the fact that PlayStation users don’t need a Plus subscription (via charlierINTEL on Twitter).

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It’s unclear why this is the case, but it’s been confirmed that there’s a PC limitation as well.Though not costly, players with a or Steam account will need to make sure their respective platform has a mobile number linked to gain access to the beta.

Modern Warfare 2’s beta began on September 16 with early access for those who preordered. This was followed by the first beta for PlayStation, which went live on September 18-20, and with weekend two coming up, Xbox and PC players will finally be able to jump in and play. Players should be sent a code granting them access ahead of the scheduled beta period. With just a handful of days to go, beta pre-loading for Xbox and PC is now live so users can be prepared for the big day.

For a detailed breakdown of the Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta period schedule, check out our handy See More

About Demi Williams

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