Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – All Mastery Camos And How To Unlock Them

Unlocking camos is a big part of the Call of Duty grind, and Modern Warfare 3 launches with some beautiful new completionist camos to earn for both multiplayer and Zombies mode. Our guide will walk you through the steps needed to unlock these coveted weapon camos.

How to unlock MW3 mastery camo challenges

Modern Warfare 3’s camos are divided into two types: Base and Mastery. Before you can unlock the fancy mastery camos, you’ll need to acquire base camos first. There are over 140 base camos for the MW3 weapons, and they are all universal camos. Meaning, once you unlock a base camo for one weapon, you’ll be able to apply it to all other weapons in your arsenal.

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There are a maximum of four base camo challenges for each Gunsmith-compatible weapon in the game, and you’ll get access to these camo challenges as you level up the weapon. These objectives vary from weapon to weapon, but these are simple challenges like getting a certain amount of kills, double kills, and such.

To get started and view the camo challenges, you’ll want to choose a weapon, select the Gunsmith, and tab over to the Customize section. This is where you can view camos, stickers, and weapon charms for customizing your weapons.

Once you have completed all of the base camo challenges for a specific MW3 weapon, you will unlock your first mastery challenge, which is for the Gilded camo.

How to use MW2 mastery camos

All of the weapon camos from Modern Warfare 2 will carry over to Modern Warfare 3 as part of Call of Duty’s new Carry Forward program, but there are limitations on how you can use the completionist camos.

Modern Warfare 3 mastery camos can only be used on MW3 weapons, and Modern Warfare 2’s mastery camos can only be used on MW2 weapons. This limitation also includes the brand-new MW2 Zombies mastery camos detailed below.

If you haven’t finished MW2’s mastery camo challenges, you can still finish any of those camo challenges you didn’t complete by playing Modern Warfare 3 with those specific Modern Warfare 2 weapons.

There are four mastery camos that you can unlock in Modern Warfare 3’s multiplayer, and two brand-new sets of four mastery camos for Zombies mode. Unlike base camos, these are not universal and must be unlocked for each weapon individually.

MW3 multiplayer mastery camos


Gilded is the first mastery challenge you unlock once you complete the base challenges for a weapon. Gilded is a gold camo that requires you to complete an individual challenge tailored to each specific weapon, so these objectives will vary from weapon to weapon.


Forged is this year’s platinum challenge. To unlock the Forged mastery challenge, you need to first complete all of the Gilded camo challenges for all the weapons in the same weapon class. So, for example, you’ll need to complete all the Gilded challenges for the assault rifle class in order to unlock the Forged challenge for assault rifles. This gives you an individual Forged challenge tailored to each specific weapon, so these objectives will vary from weapon to weapon.


To unlock the new animated Priceless camo, you must first complete a total of 36 Forged camo challenges. Then, you can unlock an individual Forged challenge tailored to each one of those specific weapons. These objectives will vary from weapon to weapon.


The new animated Interstellar camo is the final mastery unlock in Modern Warfare 3’s multiplayer, and in order to unlock this camo, you need to first unlock 36 Priceless camos. There are no additional challenges to complete here, as Interstellar is automatically unlocked for all 36 of those weapons with the Priceless camo earned.

MW3 Zombies mastery camos

Golden Enigma

Golden Enigma is the first mastery challenge you unlock for Zombies once you complete the base challenges for a MW3 weapon. Golden Enigma requires you to complete an individual challenge tailored to each specific weapon, so these objectives will vary from weapon to weapon, but one common challenge is getting a certain number of zombie kills and a successful extraction with the weapon in a single deployment.

Zircon Scale

To unlock the Zircon Scale mastery challenge, you need to first complete all of the Golden Enigma camo challenges for all the weapons in the same weapon class. Then, the Zircon Scale challenges for each weapon can vary, but they usually require a certain number of zombie kills with the weapon while it is Pack-a-Punched.


To unlock the new Serpentinite camo, you must first complete a total of 36 Zircon Scale challenges. Then, you can unlock an individual Serpentinite challenge tailored to each one of those specific weapons. These objectives will vary from weapon to weapon, but they will likely be a challenge to either get a set number of Special or Elite zombie kills with the weapon.


The Borealis camo is the final mastery unlock for MW3 guns in Zombies mode, and in order to unlock this camo, you need to first unlock 36 Serpentinite camos. There are no additional challenges to complete here, as Borealis is automatically unlocked for all 36 of those weapons with the Serpentinite camo earned.

MW2 Zombies mastery camos

Golden Ivory

Golden Ivory is the first mastery challenge you unlock for Zombies once you complete the base Zombies challenges for a MW2 weapon. Golden Ivory requires you to complete an individual challenge tailored to each specific weapon, so these objectives will vary from weapon to weapon, but one common challenge for the camo is getting a certain number of zombie kills and a successful extraction with the weapon in a single deployment.

Spinel Husk

To unlock the Spinel Husk mastery challenge, you need to first complete all of the Golden Ivory camo challenges for all MW2 weapons in the same weapon class. Then, the Spinel Husk challenges for each weapon can vary, but they usually require a certain number of zombie kills with the weapon while it is Pack-a-Punched.


For the Arachnida mastery challenge, you need to unlock the Spinel Husk camo for the specific weapon, and have a total of 51 Spinel Husk camos unlocked. Then, the Arachnida challenges will vary from weapon to weapon, but they will likely be a challenge to either get a set number of Special or Elite zombie kills with the weapon.


Bioluminescent is an animated camo and the final mastery camo unlocked for MW2 weapons in MW3 Zombies. You’ll need to complete a total of 32 Arachnida camo challenges to unlock this camo for use.

While most of the camo challenges should be pretty straightforward for multiplayer, Zombies mode works a bit differently this year. Instead of Zombies with increasing round difficulties, this is a DMZ-style extraction mode played on Warzone’s brand-new Urzikstan map. The map has three areas of difficulty with low, medium, and high threat zones. You’ll want to stick to the outer edges of the map for weapon leveling and most camo challenges, as this is where you’ll find the lower-difficulty enemies.

If you’re looking for some powerful loadouts to try, follow our guide on the best weapons and perks for Modern Warfare 3. Also make sure to check out our recommended settings guide, which will help you across Modern Warfare 3’s campaign, multiplayer, and Zombies.

About S.E. Doster

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