Call of Duty is hosting a double XP event for Modern Warfare 3, which should help players level up faster and finish the current battle pass.
Modern Warfare 3 is receiving its first double XP weekend since launch. The timing of this event is perfect for those in the United States taking time off for the Thanksgiving holiday, as the double XP is scheduled from November 22-27 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET.
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During this extended double XP weekend players can enjoy double earn rates for regular player progression, weapon XP, and battle pass XP. Playing Modern Warfare 3 during the preseason continues to level up Modern Warfare 2’s Season 6 pass, so this will help anyone who hasn’t finished unlocking all the tiers of rewards.
Season 1 of Modern Warfare 3 arrives sometime in early December, bringing a new seasonal battle pass, more multiplayer maps, Zombies updates, and Warzone integration with the new Urzikstan map. Here’s a first look at Season 1’s brand-new core multiplayer maps for 6v6 modes.
Sledgehammer Games recently announced new updates coming to multiplayer, including spawn changes and a the addition of a stamina bar.
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