Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Is Still Coming To PS4 And Xbox One

As we get further and further into the current console cycle, more studios are deciding to leave the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 behind. But Activision isn’t ready to do that yet, because Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (MW3) will be playable on the last-gen consoles.

Thanks to an IGN report, we know that this confusion started gaining traction because of a Call of Duty content creator called TheGamingRevolution. They originally tweeted a picture from the Microsoft store yesterday, August 10, showing that MW3 would only be playable on the Xbox Series X|S. This caused some confusion because just a few days prior, PlayStation posted an MW3 trailer on its YouTube channel titled “Modern Warfare III – is Coming | PS5 & PS4 Games”.

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Now Playing: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is Coming!

The IGN report explains that since that picture was tweeted, the Xbox website has been updated to say that MW3 will be playable on the Xbox One, and it’ll also be playable on the PlayStation 4 when it launches later this year.

Not much is known about MW3, but it has been confirmed that Makarov will be the new (and nostalgic) villain players will face off against, and MW3 will be officially revealed in a Warzone event on August 17.

About Luis Joshua Gutierrez

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