Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Officially Announced, Launches With 16 Maps From 2009's MW2

Activision has officially announced Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III following a week-long teaser campaign that culminated in Warzone’s Shadow Siege event. This is a direct sequel to 2022’s Modern Warfare II, and that’s notable because it’s the first time Activision has ever done that in back-to-back years.

The campaign focuses on Task Force 141 getting back together to take down Makarov, with Captain Price leading the way in a fight against “the ultimate threat.” The campaign is described as “dark and gritty.”

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In addition to traditional, more linear missions that the series is known for, the game will feature what are being called Open Combat Missions. These aim to serve as a complement to the more cinematic-style campaign missions fans know by giving players more choices with “numerous additional paths and choices to complete objectives.” Players can complete these missions however they want, including using stealth or going in guns blazing.

On the multiplayer side, the game will launch with all 16 maps from 2009’s Modern Warfare II. These maps have been “modernized” for Modern Warfare III. More than a dozen new 6v6 maps will come to Modern Warfare III over the game’s live-service campaign later on. A new mode is coming to Modern Warfare III in the form of Cutthroat. This is a 3v3v3 mode, but that’s all Activision had to say for now.

While players are only getting updated MW2 maps at launch for core multiplayer, there will be four brand-new large-scale Battle Maps for the Ground War and Invasion modes.

In terms of new multiplayer systems, the Gunsmith catalog adds “After-Market” parts for further customization and a new “Tac-Stance” to help out in close-quarter gunfights. And as rumored, red dots on the minimap are back, as is map voting. What’s more, aiming down sights (ADS) is faster coming out of a slide, while reload-cancel and slide-cancel are back. On top of this, core health has been increased to lengthen time-to-kill, while all perks will be available at the start of a match.

Also of note is that Activision has a “carry forward” program in place this year whereby most of your content and purchases from 2022’s Modern Warfare II and Warzone will be available in Modern Warfare III.

For Zombies, Modern Warfare III is offering the largest map ever. Treyarch, the team that created Zombies in the first place, is developing Zombies for Modern Warfare III. The narrative will tell an “unearthly Dark Aether story” that takes place in the Modern Warfare universe. As usual, there will be secrets to discover, Activision said.

Modern Warfare III releases on November 10 for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC. The campaign is playable one week early for everyone who preorders the game. Preordering the game also gets you early access to the upcoming multiplayer beta. PlayStation users get in first, but it will eventually be open to everyone across platforms, regardless of preorder status.

About Eddie Makuch

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