Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III won’t be the end of the popular reboot of one of the franchise’s most popular subseries, according to Call of Duty narrative director Brian Bloom.
While the original Modern Warfare trilogy ended with 2011’s Modern Warfare 3, in an interview with The Washington Post, Bloom said the story of the original Modern Warfare trilogy will extend beyond 2023’s Modern Warfare III, seemingly hinting at a Modern Warfare IV. Bloom said there are already plans for stories to be told in future games with Modern Warfare’s now-iconic characters.
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“We think of character arcs as going one way, but they can also fall off their arc, they can go backwards, people can evolve and devolve,” Bloom said. “All these things, they offer rich, fertile ground to tell stories, and that’s not going to stop. In fact, I would say we’re just getting started.”
So far, the modern reboot of the Modern Warfare series has borrowed elements and characters from across the original trilogy, often times out of order. The infamous “No Russian” level from 2009’s Modern Warfare 2, for instance, looks like it will reimagined in Modern Warfare III based on the game’s reveal trailer. Much of the original Modern Warfare 3’s story revolves around a World War III kickstarted by series villain Makarov in Modern Warfare 2, something that hasn’t happened yet in the modern retelling of the trilogy but could transpire in Modern Warfare III and carry forward into a hypothetical Modern Warfare IV.
Modern Warfare III’s campaign will feature the linear, cinematic missions fans have come to expect from the franchise as Captain Price and Task Force 141 look to hunt down Makarov, alongside more sandbox-style “Open Combat Missions” where players will have more optional paths and the freedom to complete objectives however they see fit. On the multiplayer side of the equation, Modern Warfare III will feature remakes of all 16 of 2009’s Modern Warfare 2 maps, and will bring back the franchise’s classic red dot minimap along with a new “Tac-Stance” option players can use for close-quarters combat.
Preorders for Modern Warfare III are now live, with those who preorder able to play Modern Warfare III’s campaign a week early and access to the game’s multiplayer beta. Modern Warfare III will arrive for all players on November 10.
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